Thursday, January 9, 2020
Common French Phrases
To keep up a conversation in any foreign language, its important to familiarize yourself with common phrases and expressions. Odds are that theyll come up more often than not. In French, some of the most common phrases like pas de problà ¨me (no problem) are similar if not identical to their English equivalent. These expressions are usually taught in class and tend to be relatively easy for students to grasp and recall. Not all common French phrases are simple. A good example of a more confusing expression is revenons à nos moutons, which directly translates to lets get back to our sheep but actually means lets get back to the subject at hand. Expressions like these are often used conversationally among native French speakers but are often neglected in classrooms. Whether youre planning your first trip to a French-speaking country or you just want to improve your speaking skills, here is a list of common phrases (both simple and more elaborate) that are essential to keeping the conversation going. Affirmatives and Agreements en effet: indeed, thats rightpas de problà ¨me: no problemtant mieux: its just as well, even bettertout à  fait: absolutely, exactlybien entendu: of course, obviouslybien sà »r: of courseà §a marche: that worksà §a mest à ©gal: its all the same to me Courtesies and Salutations à la và ´tre!: cheers!à  tes souhaits: bless youBon anniversaire!: Happy birthday!Bon appà ©tit!: Enjoy your meal!à §a va (?): hows it going?, Im finede rien: youre welcomegrà ¢ce à : thanks tosi ce nest pas indiscret: if its not too personal a questionsi tu veux: if you willtiens: here you go, there you are Causality, Comparison, and Condition à cause de: because of, due toà la fois: at the same timeau fur et à mesure: as, whileau lieu de: instead of, rather than​avoir lair (de): to look (like)du coup: as a resultà la limite: at most, in a pinch à la rigueur: or even, if need be à peine: hardlyau cas oà ¹: just in caseau fait: by the wayvis-à -vis (de): facing, in relation to Debate and Discussion à mon avis: in my opinionah bon (?): oh really? I seeau contraire: on the contrary dailleurs: moreover, might I adda priori: at first glance, in principleen fait: in factentendre dire que: to hear (it said) thatentendre parler de: to hear (someone talk) aboutpar contre: whereas, on the other handpar exemple: for example, such as; oh my, well really!revenons à nos moutons: lets get back to the subject at hand Duration and Time à peu prà ¨s: about, approximately, nearlydu jour au lendemain: overnighten retard: lateentre chien et loup: at dusk, twilightfaire le pont: to make it a long weekend  tout à  lheure: in a moment, a moment agotout à coup: all of a suddentout de suite: right away, immediately Exclamations and Expressions allons-y!: lets go!à la franà §aise: in the French style or mannerà la une: front-page newsà §a alors: how about that, my goodnesscest-à -dire: that is, i.e., I meancest parti: here we go, and were off ce nest pas grave: it doesnt matter, no problemdis donc / dites donc: wow, by the wayenfin: well, I meanet jen passe: and thats not allet patati et patata: and so on and so forthfais gaffe: watch out, be carefulfais voir: let me seefigure-toi: guess what, get thisfin: well, I mean il y a quelque chose qui cloche: somethings amissJarrive!: Im on my way!je taime: I love youon ne sait jamais: you never know Vive la France!: Long live France!plus à §a change...: the more things change...mà ©tro, boulot, dodo: the rat racetu connais la musique: you know the routinetu mà ©tonnes: tell me something I dont knowdu loup: speak of the devilvoilà : there is, thats it Negatives and Disagreements à §a ne fait rien: never mind, it doesnt mattercest pas vrai!: no way! Jen peux plus: I cant take (it) anymore Je nen reviens pas: I cant believe it Je ny peux rien: Theres nothing I can do about it. Je ny suis pour rien: Its got nothing to do with menimporte quoi: whateveroh là là : oh dear, oh nopas du tout: not at all pas terrible: not that great, nothing specialrien à  voir: nothing to do withtant pis: oh well, too bad, tough tu connais la musique: you know the routinetu mà ©tonnes: tell me something I dont know Quantity/Amount de trop: too much/manydu tout: not/none at all il y a: there is, there are Questions nest-ce pas?: right? isnt that so?On y va?: Shall we go? Ready?tu te rends compte?: can you imagine?ah bon?: oh really?à §a va?: hows it going?
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