Thursday, October 31, 2019
Personal managerial effectiveness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Personal managerial effectiveness - Essay Example In defining what a team is in reference to business considerations, it must be understood that the word team means different things to different organizations. Some organizations use the word as a philosophy to support the concept that all the individual efforts contribute to the overall success of the business. At other times, there is an organizational structure that includes smaller teams that contribute individual projects to the overall success of the larger organization. A general guideline for the concept of the teams within the structure of a business includes the following aspects: Although research into the concept of team building was actively pursued between the 1960’s and the 1980’s, the activity of team building became a more common property of business building in the 1980’s when excess in corporate revenue allowed for expenditures on corporate retreats and interventions (Koppes 2007: 428). The current models are based on the concepts of â€Å"increasing role clarification and social aspects of teams†(Koppes 2007: 428). When building a team, the dynamics of the team and the needs of the goals must all be considered in order to develop a successful venture. Determining when a team must be built is the initiating decision in forming a productive group. Some of the deciding factors in building a team depend on whether or not a project has been â€Å"defined well enough to determine the appropriate participants†, however, â€Å"the project should not be defined in so much detail that it discourages ownership†(Heerkens 2002: 79). In order to invest the people who have been designated for the group into a project, some of the planning must be assigned to them. When a person’s opinions and ideas have become part of a goal, an investment in the success of the goal has been made. Other considerations must be given to the costs
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
S it more accurate to say that presidents adapt to the critical events Essay
S it more accurate to say that presidents adapt to the critical events that happen during their time in power, or are they more - Essay Example The United States, which is both the greatest economy and democracy in the world, has influenced the course of history of the world. It therefore provides a definite relationship between presidents and the historical occurrences. Among iconic presidents of the United States was Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States who served until his untimely assassination in 1865. The events in his tenure including his assassination depicted the influence that the presidents had in shaping the history of their times. He served during some of the most tumultuous times in the country. He led the country through the most historic constitutional, moral and military crisis. His contribution and time in office thus makes him the best president whose analysis may easily depict the role of presidents in influencing the history of their tenures (Burkhimer, 2003). Additionally, he provides an effective basis of comparison with some of the recent presidents such as the incumbent presi dent Barack Obama and George Bush among many others who also served during some of the most tumultuous times in the history of the country. Presidents are always at the help of politics. They are influential people who readily access all the power brokers in a country. The American politics consists of a set of members of parliaments and senators all of who are influential in managing the domestic politics in the different states. The presidents on the other hand has influence over such and enjoy vast constitutional power to institute policies but with the consent of such politicians. Born and raised in a poor American family at a time that capitalism and slave trade was at the pick, Abraham Lincoln educated himself and later joined politics. He lost a senate seat in 1858 for maintaining a hard line rejection for the plan to expand slavery. He was determined to end slavery in the country. Though not a Member of Parliament, the president influenced the lawmakers during his tenure as the president of the United States thus succeeding in emancipating the African Americans. The liberation of the black society in the United States was one of the greatest historical occurrence in the country that earned Abraham Lincoln both friends and foes in equal measure thus possibly leading to his assassination. His role in liberating the African Americans and safeguarding the rights of the marginalized society to take part in election in the country’s constitution was a self-depiction of the influence that presidents have over the historical occurrences. Slave trade had employed millions of American capitalism merchants; it had necessitated the agrarian revolution thus developing the country’s economy. Vouching for the abolition of slave trade and developing an equal American society in which the African Americans would enjoy equal rights as their white counterparts was therefore a major historical occurrence. The success to end slavery was not a timely occurrenc e; it was not any time coming. President Abraham Lincoln worked hard and tried all he could to convince and black mail some of the members of parliament to accept and pass the bill that would change the country’s constitution. The desire to free the society had cost him his political career in the past but his determination finally bore fruits thus possibly resulting in his assassination. The life and works of president Abraham Lincoln portrays the influence tha
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Procedure Oriented Programming
Procedure Oriented Programming  Submitted by: Gagandeep Singh Brar Procedure oriented programming is a set of functions. In this program Clanguage is used. To perform any particular task, set of function are compulsory. For example , a program may involve collecting data from user, performing some kind of calculation on that data and printing the data on screen when is requested. Calculating, reading or printing can be written in a program with the help of different functions on different tasks. POP method also emphases the functions or the subroutines. Structure of POP method Here is some problems in POP method like its difficult to handling data because it gives no importance to data. Dat means the information that are collected from user and after calculation new result come. If any one is familiar with C programming than he may recollect storage classes in C. In C, data member is declared GLOBAL in order to make 2 or more functions in the program. What happen when 2 or functions on the same data member. For example, when if there are 7 functions in a program and this become a global data member. Unfortunately, if the value of any global data member or that may key element than it will affect the whole program. It is a big problem to identify that which function is causing the problem. Handling of data functions in POP One of the most important feature of C language is structure. Programmer use integer data, decimal point data(float), array data pack together into single entity by using structure. The reason of the popularity of structure was introduced first by c language. Object Oriented Programming An OOP method differs from POP in its basic approach itself. All the best features of structured of OOP is developed by retaining the programming method, in which they have added number of concepts which makes efficient programming. Object oriented programming methods have number of features and it makes possible an entirely new way of approaching a program. We have to mind first that OOP retains all best features of POP method like functions/sub routines, structure etc. 1) The first feature that any programmer would talk about OOP is data hiding facility. Programmer can hide the important core data from external world by using OOP method. The basic concept of OOP revolves around a feature similar to structure in POP, named as class in OOP.. Data members can be declared as private or public inside a class. Programmer have to note that a class is really similar to structure in C. Due to same structure, a class packs together different things into a single entity. 2) Another important feature of OOP is code reusability. The simple means of code reusability is just that the code is written earlier in program or read or used it later. This is made possible by a feature of classes named inheritance. By using inheritance, one class can acquire the properties of another class. Let i will try to explain this using an example. Take the example of a School Management System and management decided to make software based on the data of students only. The programmer made the software and deciding to collecting personal details like Name, Age, Sex, Address etc. After one year school management decides to incorporate data of teachers to the software. The programmer can add this extension within a small time as he can reuse many of the codes he had written earlier by making use of inheritance. The class personal details is of general nature (Age, Sex etc are same for every person irrespective of student/teacher). ( CircuitsToday, 2015) C codes #include #include //1 FILE *fpgagan; //the actual students file FILE *fp1gagan; //temporary file    struct st_record    {        int id;        char fname[20];        char lname[20];        char class_name[20];        char address[40];        char phone[12];        char email[20];    };    struct st_record s1; void main() {    menu(); } menu() {    int choice;    printf(nPress 1 to create a new record);    printf(nPress 2 to edit an existing record);    printf(nPress 3 to search records);    printf(nPress 4 to delete a record);    printf(nPress 5 to exit this p program n);    scanf(%d, choice);    if(choice == 1)    {        create_fn();    }    else if(choice == 2)    {        edit_fn();    }    else if(choice == 3)    {        search_fn();    }    else if(choice == 4)    {        delete_fn();    }    else if(choice == 5)    {        exit_fn();    }    else    {        printf(nPlease enter the correct choice);        menu();    } } create_fn() {    printf(nStudent ID :);    scanf(%d,;    printf(nFirst name :);    scanf(%s, s1.fname);    printf(nLast name :);    scanf(%s, s1.lname);    printf(nClass name :);    scanf(%s, s1.class_name);    printf(nAddress :);    scanf(%s, s1.address);    printf(nPhone :);    scanf(%s,;    printf(nEmail :);    scanf(%s,;    fpgagan=fopen(students.txt,a+); //3    fprintf(fpgagan,n%dt%st%st%st%st%st%s,,s1.fname,s1.lname,s1.class_name,s1.address,,; //4    fclose(fpgagan);    menu(); } edit_fn() {    printf(nThis is the edit function);    int id1,found;    found = 0;    printf(nPlease enter the Student ID :);    scanf(%d, id1);    if((fpgagan=fopen(students.txt,r))==NULL)        {            printf(Empty);        }        else        {            fp1gagan=fopen(students1.txt,a+);            while(!feof(fpgagan) found==0)                {                fscanf(fpgagan,n%dt%st%st%st%st%st%s,,s1.fname,s1.lname,s1.class_name,s1.address,,;                if( {                    found=1;                     printf(nStudent record found.);                     printf(n%dt%st%st%st%st%st%s,,s1.fname,s1.lname,s1.class_name,s1.address,,;                     printf(nEnter the new details now);                     printf(nStudent ID :);                     scanf(%d,;                     printf(nFirst name :);                     scanf(%s, s1.fname);                     printf(nLast name :);                     scanf(%s, s1.lname);                     printf(nClass name :);                     scanf(%s, s1.class_name);                     printf(nAddress :);                     scanf(%s, s1.address);                     printf(nPhone :);                     scanf(%s,;                     printf(nEmail :);                     scanf(%s,;                     fprintf(fp1gagan,n%dt%st%st%st%st%st%s,,s1.fname,s1.lname,s1.class_name,s1.address,,;                     continue;                    }                else {                        fprintf(fp1gagan,n%dt%st%st%st%st%st%s,,s1.fname,s1.lname,s1.class_name,s1.address,,;                }                }                fclose(fpgagan);                fclose(fp1gagan);                remove(students.txt);                rename(students1.txt,students.txt);        }       if(found!=1)       {         printf(Not found);         getch();       }    menu(); } search_fn() {    int id1,found;    found = 0;    printf(nPlease enter the Student ID :);    scanf(%d, id1);    if((fpgagan=fopen(students.txt,r))==NULL)        {            printf(Empty);        }        else        {            while(!feof(fpgagan) found==0)                {                fscanf(fpgagan,n%dt%st%st%st%st%st%s,,s1.fname,s1.lname,s1.class_name,s1.address,,;                if(                    found=1;                }        }       if(found==1)       {         printf(nStudent record found.);         printf(n%dt%st%st%st%st%st%s,,s1.fname,s1.lname,s1.class_name,s1.address,,;       }       else       {         printf(Not found);         getch();       }       menu(); } delete_fn() {    printf(nThis is the delete function);    int id1,found;    found = 0;    printf(nPlease enter the Student ID :);    scanf(%d, id1);    if((fpgagan=fopen(students.txt,r))==NULL)        {            printf(Empty);        }        else        {            fp1gagan=fopen(students1.txt,a+);            while(!feof(fpgagan) found==0)                {                fscanf(fpgagan,n%dt%st%st%st%st%st%s,,s1.fname,s1.lname,s1.class_name,s1.address,,;                if( {                    found=1;                     printf(nStudent record found.);                     printf(n%dt%st%st%st%st%st%s,,s1.fname,s1.lname,s1.class_name,s1.address,,;                     printf(nRecord deleted);                     continue;                    }                else {                        fprintf(fp1gagan,n%dt%st%st%st%st%st%s,,s1.fname,s1.lname,s1.class_name,s1.address,,;                }                }                fclose(fpgagan);                fclose(fp1gagan);                remove(students.txt);                rename(students1.txt,students.txt);        }       if(found!=1)       {         printf(Not found);         getch();       }    menu(); } exit_fn() {     printf(nThis is the exit function); } Here we are recording three students record In this screen short we are able to see the record of the students In this screen shot we try to editing the record Here we can see the change in the record. Here we try to delete the record And in this screen shot only one record is left CircuitsToday. (2015). Retrieved from Difference between Procedure Oriented(POP) and Object Oriented Programming(OOP):
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
Introduction As my utility group has chosen Royal Dutch Shell Public Limited Company, which is one of the world’s six major owned oil and gas public organizations, for discussing its win-win strategy and corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy, an online game, CEO2, will take part in this report in order to build the best win-win strategy for the chosen company such as reducing carbon dioxide emission while raising the long term profitability. The biggest challenge in this industry is meeting consumer demand with acceptable ecological impacts and producing electricity at competitive prices. Moreover, Shell oil spill in 2011 has listed as the worst spill in the United Kingdom waters in the past decade. (Harvey, 2011) and caused stakeholders suspected its CSR strategy. Therefore, this report will analyze the win-win strategy by using the game result and address the company’s CSR issues in relation to its CSR strategy. CEO2 Game & Win-Win strategy The CEO2 game’s outcome is based on two rounds, we selected the best three options based on the options provided in round one. Firstly, â€Å"install new off-shore wind farms†with decreasing 20 percent CO2 emission, which adding up to 20 percent generation capacity and off-shore wind farms is better than the traditional on-shore wind farms due to more space available, higher wind speed and lesser complaints by the neighbors such as noise issue. Secondly, â€Å"Cooperate with a grid operator†which uses to equip every private and industry customer with a smart meter. For example, smart meters would help consumers better manage their energy use and reduce their energy bill. Thirdly, â€Å"retrofit existing plants†which allowed improving efficiency at all existing power plants by on average 4 perce... ... risk.†(ADN news, 2011) However, Shell only informed the public that the organization had taken the incident seriously with indicating regret and care, but not its emergency measure. Conclusion In conclusion, Shell’s CSR strategy is lack of equilibrium between environmental and economic performances which led to lose the trust of the public, therefore, Shell’s CSR needs to improve. For example, media and NGOs as watch dog and integrators to rebuild the trust with the public to ensure the company activities are environmentally, socially responsible and economically. Moreover, the organization could also increase its investment in technologies such as using cameras to control the oil transportation process in order to ensure the incident will not happen again. Overall, the company may add a win-win strategy to its CSR strategy to improve its current CSR performance.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Bahrain Bay Case Study
1- The 4 main philosophy ideas that Bahrain Bay? s tries to communicate consist in: 1. Communicate a wide range of messages to the broadest range of audiences, such is the example of taking a risky marketing move to go to Cannes and advertise themselves there to a wide range of people. 2. Address challenges as they present themselves in the competitive market place, because they are starting a business in a place where the economy is booming, so it’s a very lucrative place but risky as well. 3.Ensure that all marketing messages conform to the highest possible standards: because they are looking for clients who are willing to pay what they ask for. In other words, they are looking out for clients who are not afraid to afford the costs of acquiring a new space in their terrains. 4. Support the brand name of Bahrain Bay as a vision of the business future: for example helping their surroundings to blossom in terms of economic success. 2- In my opinion Bahrain? s Bay mission is to achieve a sustainable business, moreover to gain high profits from it to a very exclusive market.Because getting one of those places is not for everyone. They manage to penetrate a very exclusive clientele which are able to afford the wanted price and they have done it in such a successful way that there is still demand on this sort of landpieces. They have also shown interest in helping their surroundings. Maybe as a marketing strategy so that the place doesn’t look dangerous nor looks that it is taking advantage of the land without taking in consideration its original population.Therefore they have decided to make a very important image move in helping the locals to get a better life by sponsoring the football team for example. 3- During the MIPIM they were able to get the attention of several investors and developers. They were able to share and embrace the same vision of the project with these investors and developers which were about 26,000 people in a new coming and div ersifying economy that will adapt to the 21st century lifestyle. – Due to its starting blossom economicaly speaking, Bahrain it’s a very juicy place for oversea inverstors. It has a lot of potential which has not fully been achieved. Right now this place is in a postion very desired for people wanting to invest lots of money expecting highly rewards from it. 5- Bahrain Bay is not the only project taking place in the region. Nowadays there are other major financial and commercial centers. Never the less we can not put aside the great importance of Bahrain Bay to the place. There are also other projects such as: B.Investment Wharf , Financial Harbor, B. City Center†¦ which including B. Bay represent a high percentage of the countries growth. 6- Part of their new marketing program, consists in sponsoring the local Football team. This helps the local areas to start a new rise in an economical level and in a social level. Making the local economy increase might make th e place more interesting for the tourists and further investors. They are also achieving with the newly founded foundations fighting poverty and helping the locals in a positive way.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Best Snack Foods
Running head: PROBLEM SOLUTION: BEST SNACKS INC. Problem Solution: Best Snacks Inc. University of Phoenix Problem Solution: Best Snacks Inc. Over the last few years Best Snacks has been faced with declined sales, decreased market shares as well as steadily decline stock market prices. As a result of these changes, Best Snack is currently no longer on top of the snack food industry. The current CEO Elizabeth Fairchild, has enlisted the assistance of Vice President of Organizational Development Sabrina McKay to help change the creative and innovative culture. The purpose of this paper is to provide solutions to the issues facing Best Snack that will allow the company to regain the new one spot in the snack food industry. The solutions will focus on the overwhelming need for a return to creativity and innovation into the organization. Describe the Situation Issue and Opportunity Identification The snack food industry is consistently changing and evolving. Best Snack currently has not been able to keep up with the competition. Several issues will need to address before a turn around can begin. The issues with Best Snacks are lack of creativity and innovation, which has led to the decrease sales, decreased market share and decreased profits. The time is now for Best Snacks to adopt a culture that fosters creativity and innovation or jeopardize losing even more. A full outline of the issues facing Best Snack is outlined in Table 1. As a result of the survey, Best Snack has several opportunities to address with the employees. Much of the research on innovative companies points to the importance of management practices that support creative employees and their ideas†(Best Snacks, 2009, p 4). Becoming a learning organization is one of the opportunities for Best Snack. Becoming a learning organization will encourage the changes that the CEO wants to implement. As the employees become more skilled and start to use those skills the creativity and innovation will be reinforced and become a vital part of the company’s organizational culture. Senge’s principles for designing a learning organization emphasizes the importance of building shared vision, by which he means building the ongoing frame of reference or mental model that all organizational members use to frame problems or opportunities and that binds them to an organization†(Jones, 2004, pg 379). Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas Each stakeholder has their one ideas of how they relate to Best Snacks. The key stakeholders are the customers, the management team, employees and the shareholders. Each stakeholder has some investment in the success of the company and each stakeholder wants a high return on his or her investment. The investment and values of each key stakeholder is identified and explained in Table 2. The management team is looked upon by the employees, shareholders and the customers to make the decisions that will ensure the success of the company. These decisions include fostering an environment that fosters creativity and innovation to keep the company competitive. The employees are looked upon by the management team to provide creative and innovation ideas that can control cost and maintain product lines. The stakeholders look to the management team and employees to work in a manner which uses the Capitol in the best manner. The stakeholders want a decent return on their investment and want to know that the management team is managing their capitol effectively. The customers want to know they are receiving value for their money as well as purchasing from an honest and reputable company. Frame the â€Å"Right†Problem Best Snacks will provide all employees opportunities to grow and develops skills related to creativity and innovation. As the employees use these new skills, Best Snack will be come an organization that will lead the snack industry in using creativity and innovation to materialize the company’s strategic plan of increased market share, increased sales and increased stock prices. Describe the â€Å"End-State†Vision Best Snack has an upward climb to becoming number one in the snack food industry again. Major changes will need to be made and the best method for Best Snacks will be to incorporate radical innovation into culture. The company will need to evaluate both the business model as well as technology to see what improvements can be made. This will be a first in the snack food industry and will position Best Snack a true leader in the industry. The next step is to increase creative thinking and innovational skills on all levels of the organization. By looking at both internal and external sources for creativity and innovation Best Snack will have a consistent flow of creative and innovative ideas for developing and marketing products. The need for new products and marking ideas is essential to increase sales, market shares and stock prices. Identify the Alternatives and Benchmarking Validation â€Å"Making decisions on a product enhancement requires communications between many parts of the organization, including R&D, manufacturing, marketing and sales, and finance, as well as processes and criteria for making the decisions†(Davila, Epstein, & Shelton, 2006, p 120). Best Snacks R&D department is currently not producing the type of ideas that will lead to new innovation products required to keep the company competitive. By creating an outreach program Best Snack R&D department will be in contact with fresh and innovative ideas. â€Å"By 2000, it was clear to us that our invent-it-ourselves model was not capable of sustaining high levels of top-line growth. The explosion of new technologies was putting ever more pressure on our innovation budgets. Our R&D productivity had leveled off, and our innovation success rateâ€â€the percentage of new products that met financial objectivesâ€â€had stagnated at about 35 percent. Squeezed by nimble competitors, flattening sales, lackluster new launches, and a quarterly earnings miss, we lost more than half our market cap when our stock slid from $118 to $52 a share†(Connect and Develop: Inside Procter & Gamble's New Model for Innovation 2006). This served as a major wake up call for Proctor and Gamble so the company began looking at university and government labs to create partnerships to assist both parties in product research and design. Proctor & Gamble soon realized that this process was paying off because of the best ideas had come from the partnerships outside the company. Lafley made it our goal to acquire 50 percent of our innovations outside the company. The strategy wasn't to replace the capabilities of our 7,500 researchers and support staff, but to better leverage them. Half of our new products, Lafley said, would come from our own labs, and half would come through them†(Connect and Develop: Inside Procter & Gamble's New Model for In novation 2006). With this new change in obtaining ideas, it was important that the culture of the company changed as well. As Best Snacks is looking to make changes to product line, the company could benefit from creating partnerships with universities and even individuals looking to sell product ideas. Procter & Gamble has created a website in which individuals can log in and provide new ideas. Best Snacks could add a link to the company website that could serve the same purpose. The link on the website could be a cost-effective way to begin to obtain new ideas. If the website generates valuable suggestions, then the outreach program can be expanded as-needed. The solution of a culture change and using an out reach program is the best solution for Best Snacks as it will lead to continued growth and development for the company. Evaluate the Alternatives Best Snack has attempted to use incremental innovation without much success and the CEO see this and is aware of the need for radical innovation and increased creativity. â€Å" She determined to make Best Snacks the first consumer snacks company to make radical innovation and creativity a vital part of the organization’s culture†(Best Snacks, 2009, p 1). The company will need to embrace the need for a culture change and work toward more products that will reach the target customers. Innovation and creativity is exactly what Best Snacks needs to regain the top position in the snack industry. The company will need to educate the employees and train them to think creativity and identify innovative thoughts. This can be accomplished by the management team identifying the behaviors of other creative and innovative companies. Once these behaviors are identified, the next step is to incorporate these behaviors in the daily routines. These steps set the ground work to empower the employees to introduce new products. Narrowed List of Alternatives When looking at the list of alternatives presented in Table 3, the best alternative solution is to look at gaining outside partnerships to assist the R team in providing new ideas. Before this solution can work the culture will need to shift to encourage creativity and innovation from all employees. The employees need to understand that the external ideas are not to replace the internal ones but to enhance the brainstorming sessions. The next best solution would be to create a learning organization. All of these steps are necessary as Best Snacks focuses on shift to a company known for innovation and creativity. Identify and Assess Risks Best Snacks needs to understand that each solution carries a different set of risks. It’s important these risks are taken into consideration before any decision is made. The current risk that needs to mitigate is the declining sales, declining market share and declining stock prices. Table 4 provides the risk and consequences of the each of the proposed solutions and most important it provides ways to lower the risk of each solution. The management team will need to have solid techniques in place to help the employees more toward the new organizational goals. Make the Decision When evaluating all of the solutions provided, Best Snack would benefit from all of the solutions in some manner. By developing the partnerships with local colleges, shifting the culture to foster innovation and creativity by implementing the behaviors of that lead to creativity and innovation will help to transform ideas to new product lines. The first step is to contact the local colleges to create internships program. This program will consistently provide the R department access to new ideas. The R team can take the ideas and brainstorm how to implement the ideas. The downside of this solution is that the R department may not take the ideas seriously and not focus enough attention to the development because of resentment. The second and third alternative is change the culture to foster creativity and innovation by identifying the behaviors of other creative and innovative companies. These two alternatives are interrelated as before one can occur the other needs to occur. The shift of culture will be hard from several of the employees because of resistance to change. The management team will need to provide change management training to employees because the future of the Best Snack is full of consistent change. The final alternative is to create a learning organization. As Best Snack is making the other adjustments to the business model, the company will have no other choice but to implement organizational learning. The benefit to this alternative is that the company will be consistently looking for new ideas and products that new learning will be required of each employee. As the employees learn and share new skills the company continues to learn and grow and in turn the product line will continually evolve to meet the demands of the customers. Develop and Implement the Solution Sabrina McKay the Vice President of Organizational Development has a full slate to ensure that all of the pieces are in place. Sabrina’s first action item is to identify the leadership behaviors are required to lead the company. These behaviors will be identified within two months. Once the behaviors have been outlined, over the next three months the review of the current management process will be evaluated. During this evaluation, the necessary changes will be outlined. During these evaluations, the management team will be review all polices and procedures to benchmark against the new set of behaviors and processes. The management team will have two months to complete this evaluation. Once the changes have been outlined, a new training program will be created by Sabrina and this should take approximately nine months to create and provide the training to all associates. While the training is being conducted Sabrina will also be working on the creativity and innovation plan. This plan will include the partnerships with local colleges. Sabrina will have eight months to create and identify the best college to use for the program. Once the partnerships and training is complete the management team can continue to outline the strategies for supporting the employees in all of the new endeavors. The support for the employees is vital to the whole plans success. The project will be reviewed every six months to ensure adequately progress. Evaluate the Results The focus for Best Snack is to become the first company in the snack industry actively using radical innovation in the organizational culture. The plan that was outlined in Table 6 and Table 7 has the project completed within the next 12 months. The changes that will be made during this time will need to be consistently reinforced by management. It is also very important that management support the employees as training and change is provided. This is the time for management to increase the trust factor between management and employees. As the trust increases, creativity will also increase. The employees’ surveys will be used to measure how well the management team is nurturing the increased creativity and innovation. Once partnership program is in place, Best Snacks will have consistent flow of ideas for the R team to brainstorm and transform into new products. As the R team is brainstorming both internal and external ideas this lead to additional ideas. Within a year, the R team will be able to provide more marketing ideas and products in a more efficient manner. Best snacks will a 30% increase in new products in one-year. The increase in products will start to increase company sales, market share and stock price within the year. With the consistent new ideas, increased creative and innovative thinking, Best Snack will see consistent growth over the next few years. Conclusion Best Snack has become very dependent on incremental innovation and the low risk factors that when change is urgently needed it is hard to stray from it. Best Snack is trying to become a leader in the industry but is stuck therefore the need to shift to radical innovation. The second level at which systems interact with learning is through their own improvement and the improvement of organizational processes. During the execution of a particular project, there is learning about the process itself that is captured. In other words, there is learning not only about the particular innovation, but also about how the company can improve its innovation processes†(Davila, Epstein, & Shelton, 2006, p 218). For Best Snacks to maintain the new competitive edge it is important to continue to foster the communication as well as the concepts of creativity and innovation. Best Snacks is now in a position to use the knowledge of the past to create a better future for the employees, customers and shareholders. References Davila, T. , Epstein, M. , & Shelton, R. , 2006. Making Innovation Work: How to Manage It, Measure It, and Profit from It, 1e. Jones, Gareth R. , 2004. Organizational Theory, Design, and Change, 1eChapter 12: Decision Making, Learning, Knowledge Management, and Information Technology. P&G’s New Innovation Model 2006 retrieved April 10, 2010 from http://hbswk. hbs. edu/archive/5258. html University of Phoenix, (2009). Best Snacks Scenario Inc. Retrieved March 21, 2010 from University of Phoenix rEsource Center. Table 1 Issues and Opportunities Identification |Issue |Opportunities |Reference to Specific | | | |Course Concept | |Business Model Change to drive |The CEO Elizabeth recognizes the company’s need to make|Davila. , Epstein. , & Shelton | |innovation in the following areas: |some innovated changes. The changes to the business |2006, p. 32 | |Value Proposition |model will help Best Snack Foods become more | | |Supply Chain |competitive. The first change will be to look at the | | |Target Customer |value of the items for sale and make the necessary | | | |adjustments to provide more value to the consumers. | | |The next step is to look at the supply chain and make | | | |the necessary adjustment. The changes should provide | | | |product to Best Snacks at a quick and lower price so | | | |that cost savings can be passed on to the customer as | | | well as increased margin for the company. The final | | | |step is to determine the target customer for the new | | | |product or the enhanced product. Best Snack foods to | | | |look at what areas that they have no presence and what | | | |areas they need to increase product presence. This | | | |will determine which customers they are not reaching | | | |and then can determine value of reaching out to a new | | | |demographic. | | |Technology Change to drive innovation |The CEO Elizabeth recognizes the company’s need to make|Davila. , Epstein. , & Shelton | |in the following ways: |some innovated changes. According to the survey the |2006, p. 5 | |Product and service offerings |associates believe that management does not quick | | |Process technologies |decision regarding new products. The company has | | |Enabling technologies |introduced only five new products in three years. The | | | |company needs to determine what products they want to | | | |improve on or, which new items to produce. This new | | | |products could also require some changes in the | | | |technologies. The company has just implemented an | | | |automotive packing system and will need to find other | | | |technologies that will help decrease cost associated | | | |with production. The nest step will be for Best Snack | | | |food to look communication between vendors. The close | | | |relationship can also help to reduce cost. | | |Organizational |The executive team should begin to outline the learning|Jones 2004, p. 376 | |learning The process |for the individual through the University. Once the | | |through which managers |learning continues with the individual, the new | | |seek to improve |knowledge will begin to have an impact on the group and| | |organization members’ |when the group is learning the whole organization is | | |capacity to understand |learning. Best Snack needs to outline training classes| | |and manage the organization |for all levels of the company. As the company | | |and its environment |continues to learn the groups and individuals will | | |so that they |begin to look deeper into process to determine ways to | | |can make decisions |streamline and reduce cost. This is creating an | | |with continual organizational |environment that fosters creativity. This will so help| | |effectiveness. The following are |to decrease the fear of taking risk within the company. | |types of organizational learning | | | |Exploration | | | |Exploitation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Organizational decision making is the |This is what the executive team is currently working |Jones 2004, p. 368 | |process of responding to a problem by |on. The CEO has outlined the problem, which is the | | |searching for and selecting a solution|company is not as competitive and innovated as the | | |or course of action that will create |competition. As a result of these issues the company | | |value for |is beginning to suffer financially. The executive team| | |organizational stakeholders. |is working to find the proper solution that will | | |This type of decision model has five |provide increased profits and margins for Best Snacks. | |different models | | | |Rational Model | | | |Carnegie Model | | | |Incrementalist Model | | | |Unstructured Model | | | |Garbage Can Model | | | |Decision making drives the operation | | | |of an organization. At the | | | |core of every organization is a set of| | | |decision-making rules and routines | | | |that bring stability | | | |and allow the organization to | | | |reproduce its structure, activities, | | | |and core competences | | | |over time (Jones, 2004, p. 375) | | | |Learning in a innovative organization |Sabrina will be able to provide this characteristic to |Davila. , Epstein. & Shelton | |has the following characteristics: |Best Snack foods once she is has completed her new |2006, p. 212 | |Process learning is linked to |assignment. The first step that she has completed of | | |strategy |the employee survey is an excellent start to determine | | |Systematic approach to complex |the current state versus the new look of the company. | | |organizational dynamics |She is also looking at the values and the mission of | | |Shared vision |the company. Both of these will more than likely be | | |Flexibility and agility |updated to reflect the new strategy. Once the new | | |Timely anticipation of challenges and |strategy is determined the company will be working | | |threats |toward a common goal and will be able to foster a | | |Collaborative and challenging |creative environment. The company currently has a Best | | |environment. |Snack University for the students but the courses are | | | |not mandatory. The company should look at requiring so | | | |many hours a year so that each employee can continue to| | | |improve upon there skills. | | Table 2 Stakeholder Perspectives and Ethical Dilemmas |Stakeholder Perspectives and Ethical Dilemmas | |Stakeholder Groups with Competing Values | | | | |The Interests, Rights, and |The Ethical Dilemma Based on the Competing | |List: Group X Values of Each Group |Values | |versus Group Y | | | |Executive Management vs. Employees |Fairness, accountability and social responsibility |The employees completed a survey and it is up | | |The interest of employees revolves around Best |to the Management team to make the right | | |Snacks ability to provide job security, market share|decision with the answers. It is important the | | |security and on the job training to improve job |management use the information to provide the | | |skills. The Executive management has the |necessary program to the employees and support | | |responsibility to implement the organizational |growth and development. | | |changes in order to maintain competitive. | | |Executive Management vs. Shareholders |Increased return on investment, |The main interest is the history of innovation,| | |Loyalty, respect, responsibility and reputation of |market shares, stock performance, operating | | |company. |profit, return on investment, and | | | |profitability. The shareholders are fearful | | | |about their investments not increasing and the | | | |shareholders want to know that the capitol is | | | |being managed properly. If the capitol is being| | | |managed properly then there should be a return | | | |on their capitol. | |Executive Management vs. Customers |Customer is interested in cost and quality. The CEO Elizabeth Fairchild has meeting with | | |The customer is also wanting accountability and |customers to talk about values and how they | | |honestly from the executive team. |compare to the competition. The customers are | | | |expecting that the company to take their | | | |answers and work to make the necessary changes. | Table 3 Analysis of Alternative Solutions [pic] Table 4 Risk Assessment and Mitigation Risk Assessment and Mitigation | |Alternative |Risks and Probability |Consequence and Severity |Mitigation Techniques and | | | | |Strategies | |Identify and individual and |Ineffective due to lack of |According to the survey results, |Management team will communicate | |organizational behaviors that |participation and rejection by |the employees do not believe that |how creativity and innovation will | |foster creativity and |employees – high |improved innovation and creativity|assist the company to reach the new| |innovation |There is littler or no growth – low |is achievable –high |goals | | |Inadequate management of strategies |Will not have immediate impact on | | | |structures, or cultures – low |product improvements, finance or |The management team will also need | | | reputation-medium |to understand all of the dynamics | | | | |that affect growth. | |Create organizational learning |Employees are hesitant to follow the |Increase turnover as employees |The CEO and | | |organizational learning system- high |will not make necessary changes – |management team will need to | | | |medium |define and communicate the | | | | |organizational learning process. | | | | | |Adapt a culture that focuses on|Creation of goals for employees to have|Will not address all of the |The management team will focus on | |creativity and innovation |continuous learning – medium |important issues. – high |creativity when outlining the new | | | |The major issues will still need |vision of the company | | | |to be addressed | | |Create partnerships with |Current employees will resent the ideas|This will generate new ideas that |The management team must | |colleges to generate new and |from the outside -high |can be implemented by the current |communicate the program and foster | |creative ideas. |R&D team with the necessary |the culture to accept the ideas as | | | |modifications to fit the needs of |if they were generated from the | | | |the company. – Low |inside. | Table 5 Pros and Cons of Alternative Solutions |Alternative |Pros |Cons | |Create organizational learning |All departments will be on the same track |The training can be c ostly and be hard for some| | |toward the new goals. employees to make changes | | | | | | | | | |Adapt culture that focuses on creativity and |Company will operate more efficiently due to |The current culture may be too strong to allow | |innovation |all of the new changes in operating models and |the shift in focus and implement the new ideas | | |technology |and concepts | |Identify individual and organizational |Increased competences for employees that can |Products are not improved | |behaviors that foster creativity and innovation|improve product lines |Products may no longer meet the needs of the | |and implement the necessary changes | |customer | | | | | | | | | |Create relationships with colleges to generate |New ideas that are not bound by boundaries from|Current team members might feel threaten by | |new ideas |the culture of the company |ideas | | |The customer is provide suggestions to improve |Students that create ideas may not be involved | | |value or products |in w hole process. | | |Ideas that are generated can be modified by the| | | |R&D team to fit the business model | | Table 6 Optimal Solution Implementation Plan Action Item Deliverable |Timeline |Who is Responsible | |Proposal for new employee training |9 months |Sabrina McKay, VP of Organizational | | | |Development | |Organizational strategies for supporting the |12 months (continual) | Executive Management Team | |employees | | | |Creation of Creativity and Innovation Plan |8 months |Sabrina McKay | |Review of all policies and procedures |2 months | Executive Management Team | |Identify leadership behaviors |2 months |Sabrina McKay | |Identify management process |3 months |Sabrina McKay | Table 7 Evaluation of Results End-State Goals |Metrics |Target | |Best Snacks will be the first snack company to |Innovation and creativity will become a |With in a year, radical innovation will be | |implement radical innovation and creativity as|integral part of the companies ongoing |encouraged regularly. | |part of the companies organizational culture |processed | | |Best Snacks encourage creative thinking on all |Best Snack will now be known as a cutting edge |All employees will be trained on creativity and| |levels by using new skills |innovation organization |innovation skills within one year. |The development of new products will be more |With in a year, Best Snacks will see an |The will be a 30% increase in new products | |innovative resulting in an increase in sales, |increase in development of new products as a |within one year. | |market share and stock prices. |result of new ideas from both internal and | | | |external sources | | |The executive management team will create an |The results of the assessment show that |Full employee involvement with in 4 months. |assessment to increase creativity and |management is following the new organizational | | |innovation throughout the company |plans for the company. | | |Best Snacks will become number one again and |Best Snacks leads the industry with creative |Within one year, Best Snacks will have | |will remain competitive due to organizational |and innovation products and will increase |increased profit margins and increased | |changes |revenue and operating incomes |creativity. |
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