Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Immanuel Kant s Philosophy And Philosophy - 1389 Words
Research Paper- Immanuel Kant Immanuel Kant was a famous philosopher whose philosophical influences impacted almost every new philosophical idea, theory, concept etc. In a sense, he was considered the central face of contemporary philosophy. Kant spent his whole life in Russia. Starting out as a tutor, to then a professor, he lectured about everything; from geography to obviously philosophy. In his early life, he was raised to emphasize faith and religious feelings over reason and theological principles. As he got older though, that position changed. It then became that knowledge is necessarily confided and within the bounds of reason. Now with this in mind, Kant claims many different things that derive from this. There are many different parts and aspects to it which is why it relates to almost every philosophical idea out there. Kant referred his epistemology as â€Å"critical philosophy†since all he wanted to do was critique reason and sort our legitimate claims of reasons from illegitimate ones. His epistemology says that we can have an objective, universal, and necessary knowledge of the world, and that science cannot tell us about reality. He claims science cannot tell us anything because it only tells us about the world as it is perceived, whether it’s based on measures, manipulations, experiments and so on. Kant says that we all have knowledge; that the mind and experience work together and that we construct and gain this knowledge by both reason and experience. WhenShow MoreRelatedImmanuel Kant s Philosophy On Philosophy844 Words  | 4 Pagesnot know where and what to follow. Therefore, many philosophers came up with ideas to convince people to live  ¨better ¨. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Leadership For Health Social Care Services Free Essays
string(127) " be given appropriate support prior to making decisions \(prior to a judgement being made to say the individual can not do so\." Person centred practice (PCP) or more commonly referred to as person centred planning is based on the principles of inclusion and taking a holistic approach when planning the care service delivery. There are five key features of PCP; The individual is at the centre of the plan. The plan will identify what is important to the individual and identify the individuals’ strengths and what support they will require to achieve their potential. We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership For Health Social Care Services or any similar topic only for you Order Now The individuals support network are involved in the ongoing planning and reviewing process. The plan will promote community participation for the individual. The plan is a live document which is reviewed by all involved minimum every 6 months or when circumstances change. The care planning, monitoring and reviewing of care plans are key aspects to working with individuals and care workers. In line with PCP key aspects must be adhered to including legislation and policy to ensure the individual is at the heart of the plan review process. However we must remember not to get caught up in the planning and administration process its self, we must remember the true purpose of the care plan. Such example of this can be seen by a quote from a Service User; â€Å"I don’t have a care pathway. I have a life. †(Scottish executive, 2005:5) Care plans must be done properly and all relevant parties involved. Some people may not know what a care plan is. When people don’t feel good they need support to be involved. After all, where’re planning their care and the individual must be at the centre of the plan. A Service User who contributed to the report Developing social care: service users vision for adult support, felt strongly that social care should be based on the social model; informing policy, practice and procedures (Beresford 2005). The Department of Health clearly states that it supports the social model of disability (DoH 2008a). This social model is underpinned by a range of legislation and policy which steers the provision of person centred care. There are several Acts that underpin PCP. The human rights act 1998 sets a firm base line for pcp. The act covers the individual’s right to liberty and security, respect for private and family life, and the right for freedom of thought conscious and religion. This act sets a firm base line for good practice in health and social care by underlining the needs of the individual are paramount and that everyone has the right to receive quality care. Age Concern quote (2008) â€Å"the dignity needs and wants of older people must be put at the centre of their care, and Human Rights are the perfect vehicle to ensure this and deliver quality care services†Whilst drawing up a care plan there are several legislations and policies to adhere to, below I have listed a few which have an integral role in pcp. There is a statutory duty on public authorities to ensure they eliminate unlawful discrimination and harassment and to promote equality of opportunities between men and women. This is governed by the equalities act 2006 which makes it unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of a person’s sexual orientation, religion and beliefs when providing a service and exercising a public function. This act has established a commission for equality and human rights (CEHR) which is responsible for promoting the understanding of human rights and equality, also challenging unlawful discrimination. The disability discrimination act 1995 main function is to stop discrimination for disabled individual, giving those equal rights and access to goods, facilities and services. This act states that providers are not allowed to treat the disabled less favourably because of their disability. Most companies and organisations that provide service, facilities or goods, be it either paid or free; both private and public bodies / companies must adhere to this act. One aspect of the NHS and community care act 1990 is that local authorities must conduct a needs-lead assessment which takes into account a person’s preference making it pcp. On the other hand a resources-lead assessment only takes into account the resources available and not the individual. In my area of work an example would be an individual would be sent to a day service where their preference would be a sit in service which would be more appropriate. This example goes against all principles of pcp. All care service providers are regulated by an independent body as outlined in the Care standard Act 2000. In Wales we are regulated by the CSSIW. This independat body carries out regular inspections to ensure compliance with all relevant legislation and one of their key focus is Service User quality of life which is closely linked to pcp. In addition to legislation there are numerous policies in place to ensure compliance with pc care. The white paper Valuing people (DoH 2001) stipulates that person centred approach will be essential to deliver real change in the lives of people. Whilst this white paper is aimed at individuals with learning disabilities the principles can be applied to all types of care. The national service frameworks are long term strategies for improving specific areas of social care. PCP is a theme that runs through the white paper. We as care providers have minimum expectations which are required of us by the government; national minimum standards. These standards are not legally enforceable but are guidelines for providers and commissioners to judge the quality of a care service. There are many ways consent is established with individuals. During a PCP meeting the individual may be able to make their wishes and expectations known clearly. In which case the Service User will give consent. On the other hand the mental capacity act 2005 is in place to empower individuals who lack capacity to make their own decisions. There are five core principles; It’s assumed an individual has capacity unless an assessment has taken place that determines otherwise. Individuals must be given appropriate support prior to making decisions (prior to a judgement being made to say the individual can not do so. You read "Leadership For Health Social Care Services" in category "Leadership" Individuals have the right to make an unwise decision, by making an unwise decision it does not mean the individual lacks capacity. When an individual is assessed as lacking in capacity, any decisions made for them must be in their best interest. Any actions that are result of an individual lacking in capacity must be the least restrictive in terms of their basic rights and freedoms. By applying all these principles in a MDT meeting a decision can be reached which will be in the best interest of the individual. During the PCP/ MDT/ BIM the individual may have family, friends, HCP, advocate present to enable a holistic approach to the individuals care pathway. By using person centred practice positive outcomes can be achieved; by adopting all the above legislation, regulations, policies the individual will receive the level of care and support they require, as decided by themselves and people who have the individuals best interests as paramount to the individuals care. In my role I have reviewed all documentation in relation to the primary assessment our Service Users undergo prior to our delivery of care. The assessment takes a holistic approach to the Service Users life, from mobility to cognitive function and is undertaken in the Service Users home with their preferred family member, social worker and any other health care professionals that have input into the Service Users life. Following a management and staff meeting and consultation with Service Users families and HCP to gather their feedback and views I have implemented changes to the documentation to make the assessment and subsequent care plan / file user friendly as needed by the Service User. By implementing this I’m ensuring compliance with regulations and legislation. I support my team to implement person centred practice in many ways. Adequate training as detailed in the care workers professional development plan and led by example, I believe being the best. PCP is discussed at management meetings which is then cascaded down to the care workers through their team meetings and supervision sessions. We have recently introduced a new format care plan, which I’m supporting the team leaders to complete using the active support model of care. During the recruitment process, all care workers undergo a 5 day induction period, during which PCP is introduced with the support of accredited dvd’s from Mullbery House and the new care worker is given the opportunity to demonstrate how they would apply pcp. Also a small library of reference books are available for care workers to loan for their professional development. I have recently supported one of the team leaders to review the manual handling care needs of a new Service User, no-capacity, who’s family were not familiar with manual handling techniques, by using techniques that were not prescribed the Service Users was being put at risk of injury as were the family. During the primary assessment this was discovered and immediately reported to myself. In conjunction with the team leader we contacted the social service to arrange for OT assessment, also we submitted a VA1 to inspectorate reporting our safeguarding concerns. During the OT assessment the Service User, family, social worker and our team leader was present to enable a best interest care plan to be drawn up. Several items of equipment were agreed and ordered, and care plan agreed by all. Several weeks later, the Service User is now in receipt of appropriate approved equipment and manual handling techniques which meets his needs. I have implemented a handover sheet for care workers prior to their delivery of care to new Service Users / from new care workers to ensure the Service User receives continuity of care. The handover takes place between the primary assessor and the care worker. The care worker and assessor discuss the care plan and risk assessments. At the Service Users first call the care worker is introduced by the assessor. All the care workers are required to notify the office of any changes to the Service Users care needs or preferences immediately, care workers are also encouraged to discuss Service Users needs/ preferences during their 6 weekly supervision session. Care workers are made aware of changes to the care plan in the handover and during the monthly team meeting where all Service User changes are discussed. I’m in the process of reviewing policies and procedures, which will ensure we are Service User led and not service led. Service user active participation has many proven positive outcomes. Active participation may lead to increased confidence and self-esteem, the chance to acquire new skills, and improved material resources if for example it helps them to acquire paid employment. Active participation leads to greater satisfaction (Department of Health Farrell, 2004) and improved quality of life (Wallerstein, 2006). For instance service users who have had greater control in decisions about the support they receive, report greater satisfaction and better health than those who have not. Beyond benefits to the individual, the participation process may also help create a stronger sense of community involvement. For active participation to succeed the culture of the company must allow for regular change and want to hear what the Service User has to say, take it on board and action it. All our Care workers are required to report to the office any feedback / comments/ changes from the Service User and the care work. Within XXXXXXXXX all new starter undergo a 5 day induction period, one element of this induction is active support. The care workers are given an insight into active support. Further training is made available periodically, training is an ongoing commitment to the care worker professional development and the quality of service we provide our Service Users with. A good example of active support I like to use is, if the Service User enjoys cooking but is unable to bear their weight etc take the veg to them. The Service User may enjoy peeling the veg at the table or in their chair. This enables the Service User to take control of their meal preparation, giving them a sense of purpose and satisfaction. When we receive a referral the Service User may have already undergone the 6 week enablement package of care, after their discharge from hospital. In line with the care plan we encourage the Service User to remain independent and re-able the Service User to achieve their aspirations. To promote Service Users to actively participate in all aspects of daily living skills, during the primary / review assessment risk assessments must be agreed. This is not to prohibit the Service User from participate in daily living skills but to ensure we are supporting the Service user in a safe environment where risks have been assessed and minimised or where possible removed. During this process a person centred approach is paramount involving outside agencies, eg OT, family and friends, social worker, advocate. Adaptions, equipment, tele care etc may be available for the Service User to minimise the risk whilst promoting participation in daily living skills. How to cite Leadership For Health Social Care Services, Essays
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Legal Aspects International Business and Enterprise
Question: Discuss about the Legal Aspects for International Business and Enterprise. Answer: Introduction Tata is a global team with its operations in more than 150 countries and the company achieves 68 percent of the market share when the goods and services are offered in different countries. Being a multinational company there are many hindrances and regulatory framework that can be examined to achieve the customer satisfaction and thereby provide a value addition service in different sectors. The company serves as a global leader in different areas and sectors that have a larger consideration. Operations in different countries have a particular framework that has to be observed and the treaties and agreements in Australia need to be considered for a multinational if the operations are specifically focused (Kirchner, 2012). The agreements and treaties affect the companys development and even an economic development while considering the FDI inflows in Australia. Overview of the company The Tata group has a global span of business all over since years and it operates in more than 100 countries and almost in six different continents. There are international approaches that are felt with the inception period since the founder of the company Jamshed Tata had begun and established the career in England and China as international trade getting approached with the new possibilities and interception (Bernanke, 2005). There were international standards that were measured in each country and these made an impact to the world class technology with a new aspect of Exports and Imports which was set up in the year 1963. Industry of the company The company operates in the overall roster that has the products and services with its interactive brands and showcases the operations in Australia. Since, it is operating in Australia for about more than 30 years, the company has made some mergers and acquisitions that are observed with an intense since the year 2000 (Rosen and Hanemann, 2011). There are wide range of services and products that are delivered accordingly and this seems a wide variety considering the automobile and other FMGC products over last years. The main operations are for Agrochemicals that are well accepted in Australia. Since, the company operates for automobile and services it delivers the best products that are categorized accordingly. The chemicals, consumer products, construction equipment, defense and aerospace and industrial infrastructure there is a wide area of operation for the company. Number of staff in Australia and globally The global company has presence in more than 150 countries and there are more than 600,000 employees working towards for the success of the company for more than 100 countries in the world. The staff consists of research and development department, human resource department, experts and managerial level positions that is handled over by the company in Australia (Subramanian and Kessler, 2013). The reward system are allocated as per the skills and expertise level that is being determined at a higher level while considering the merit and other basis. The number of staff in Australia is more than 2000 employees that have made a pace and an additional structure that help for the success and growth of the company. Location of global headquarters The location of the headquarters is in Mumbai with its wide area of operations that the company provides for the conglomerate holding with the international recognition and global companies. There are several subsidiaries that are detailed with some associated groups that Tata has merged with. The mergers and acquisitions took place from the year 2000 and thereby there were products and services that gained a high amount of recognition in the world (ITS Global, 2008). Regulatory framework in Australia for Tata There are regulatory frameworks that affect the multinational company in Australia, these are well understood by the company and it seems that those standards and foreign policies must be examined while Foreign Investment Regulation has a particular overview that it offers to the companies that are operating in Australia. The regulatory framework that matters for the other company to operate in Australia is the FDI that states the investment which is actually undertaken by the Australian government from an enterprise which is operating in Australia. There is about an equity of 10 percent of share that is merely taken as a recognized threshold by the foreign investment and these are merely classified as portfolio investment (Truman, 2008). For Australian process of FDI screening, 15 percent threshold is important that is a critical investment for Australias economic development. According to McKinsey and Company (2016) foreign direct investment has a vital role in the regulatory framework for economic development of Australia. The history is examined that domestic investment has exceeded when compared to the domestic saving. The foreign capital inflows has enlarged and are essential for the new capital formation that would help to increase the productivity and even per capita income of the country. The emerging market has been growing with the reflected importance and the performance as compared to other economies, so there are regulations and rules when a multinational company operates in Australia. Tata with its market share has some regulatory frameworks that are considered with the peak match for FDI (Larum, 2011). There are some trends that are considered for the development of the company and these are classified with an increase in the competition and this may be an advantage for the global FDI inflows. As per Monti (2010) Tata company has faced some difficulties to operate in the market and have a competitive advantage that can be undergone with the foreign collaborations and an international logistic supply chain. There were joint ventures by other company to operate in the international market with an international business that engages some laws and practices as per the professional programmes paper that assisted the standards and emphasize in the applications and proceses for the case laws in business operation. These issues were already examined as the regulatory framework has a wide area where FDI and FTP policy are broader aspects that are considered in the company. these have been discussed by viewing the international trade bodies that are likely examined by WTO and are mainly discussed in detail with these practices and procedures (Golub, 2003). Therefore, Tata has even faced some regulatory framework that affects the operations of the multinational company. Treaties conventions and agreements that impact an MNC TATA has a huge significance in its home county but in Australia, due to the trade policies, the company has to face several issues related to trade and international policies. Also is has to be noted that the car manufacturing companies in Australia are in numerous quantities. That is, there is a huge competition for car companies in Australia which makes it difficult for TATA to sustain in the Australian market. The Australian market has a good number of domestic as well international companies. The Japan, china, Europe, America based companies have a good market share in the Australian market. It is thus very important and hard for the company to maintain its significant market share (Taylor et al, 2012). Also the Australian government has some strict policies regarding the environmental and sustainability aspects. Thus the company had to take care of the environmental issues and follows the policies regarding the environmental conditions. If Tata wants to globalize in various countries, the company needs to follow the policies of that country strictly. The company has followed the small scale vehicles and commercial vehicles and has left itself open for the emerging industries. Also the rise in the prices in the global economy is a huge concern for the company (Todaro Smith, 2011). The cost of steel and aluminum are getting high due to which the company faces a lot of issues on the production department. In Australia, there no more steel and aluminum companies which can supply these raw materials to the company in cheap and affordable prices. Due to the company has to get the raw materials and the steel imported from various other countries where the steel is available in affordable prices (Anca, 2010). The company has several issues regarding transportation and logistics and the supply of the raw materials. The company imports numerous raw materials for the manufacturing of products. The shipping and logistics charges are quite high. Due to the increase in the prices of petrol and diesel the globalization has effected in a greater extend as the logistics have been increasing their charges and the companiea have to face the growth this rise in the fuel prices. This makes the companies bear hig fuel prices and high logistics along with the raised raw materials which affects the company at a greater extend (Kekeocha, 2011). Also the deisng of TATA motors are based on the Italiand and Indian countries which are generally not much used in the Australian market. The company has to hire the professional designers to design exclusive cars and vehicles as per the needs of the Australian citizens. The company has adopted a structure of analyzing the demographics and behavior of the customers in different countries. Thus the company identifies and identifyies the needs and requirements of the Australian customers and the design the productrs as per the needs. The separate department has to be allocated to the company for designing products for Australia. TATA has several divisions in Australia and has a proven significance of over 30 years in this country. Due to the liberal and strong trade relations of Australia and India, the company does not face issues in trading and exporting the materials (Anca, 2010). The company has several departments like the TATA communications, TATA steel, TATA motors etc which has been developed in Australia and has occupied quite a significant share in the market (Andrea, 2011). The trade relations between both these countries have developed due to the emergence of many companies of India that established in Australia and vice versa. There are some free trade agreements which are obeyed by the other countries needing to do business in the Australian market. Thus there are no legal issues which hinder the trade relations with the Australian industries. Tata is also a huge provider of IT services in the Australian markets and the Australian market is quite high inters of IT services. Thus the services of TATA in the Australian market are quite demanding and successful (Anca, 2010). The company has emerged its IT sector in New Zealand an Australia by considering the growth and development of the IT sector in the Australian market. Due to the rise of small and multinational companies in Australia, TATA has identified the need of IT services in Australia and has developed a huge platform over there which provides IT services to numerous companies (Moore David, 2009). There is a huge completion in the Australian market and the greatest benefit for TATA is the competitive advantage achieved from other companies. Due to the competitiveness among companies, each and every concerned body is benefited. The companies constantly try to develop strategies which are not developed by other companies and try to pvoide the customers with the desired products. Due to this, the company as well the customers both is benefited. The company competes with itself and develops while emerging with new and unique products. Also the country gets benefited due to the employment the compa ny brings to the country (Anca, 2010). Conclusion Recommendations Multinational companies that are operated in Australia have a challenge and a risk that need to be faced to operate while describing the regulatory framework and the the affects of the operations that are globally considered. Tata as a multinational company has wide operations all over the world with around more than 100 countries. Since globalization has felt the need to operate in other countries, it is necessary to know the regulatory frameworks for different countries at the time of operation. The FDI and the domestic market operations were considered at the time of economic development. There are some treaties that impact to the development of the multinational company for the products and services that are operated in Australia. It mainly impacts negative when the treaties and agreements are considered to hinder in the success of the multinational company. References Anca Ã…Å ¾tefania Sava (2010), The Role of Unemployment Insurance during the Economic And Financial Crisis, Economics and Applied Informatics Journal, Vol. 1, 29-36. 4. Andrea Elteto (2011), The Economic Crisis and Its Management in Spain Eastern Journal of European Studies, Vol. 2, 41-55. Bernanke, B, (2005). The Global Saving Glut and the US Current Account Deficit (Sandridge lecture, Virginia Association of Economics, 10 March 2005). Golub, S et al. (2003). The Influence of Policies on Trade and Foreign Direct Investment (2003) 1 OECD Economic Studies 783. ITS Global, (2008). Foreign Direct Investment in Australia The Increasing Cost of Regulation (Report, ITS Global, 2008). Kirchner, S, (2012). Foreign Direct Investment in Australia Following the AustraliaUS Free Trade Agreement (2012) 45(4) Australian Economic Review 410 Karl Moore and David Lewis (2009), The Origin of Globalization New York and London, Routledge T F Groups. Kekeocha, M. E. (2011), Small Scale Business Management, Onitsha, Abbot Books Limited. Larum, J, (2011). Chinese Perspectives on Investing in Australia (Analysis, Lowy Institute for International Policy, 2011). Monti, J. and Yip, G., (2010) Taking the High Road When Going International. Article Business Horizons; Jul/Aug2000, Vol. 43 Issue 4, p65, 8p, 3 Diagrams. McKinsey and Company (2016), Towards a new global order for automotive suppliers, Available at: https://www.mckinsey.com/locations/india/mckinseyonindia/pdf/New_Global_Order_Automotive_Suppliers.pdf. Last Accessed: Aug 23rd 2016. Rosen, D and Hanemann, T, (2011). An American Open Door? Maximizing the Benefits of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment (Asia Society Special Report, 2011). Subramanian, A and Kessler, M, (2013). The Hyperglobalisation of Trade and Its Future (Working paper 13-6, Global Citizen Foundation, 2013). Truman, E, (2008). A Blueprint for Sovereign Wealth Fund Best Practices (Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2008). Todaro, M. N. and Smith, S. C. (2011), Economic Development (11th Edition), New York/London, Pearson Educational Limited. Taylor and Francis Group. Ferguson, Y. H. And Mansbach, R. W. (2012), Globalization. New York, Routledge.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Outsiders Essays (379 words) - Films, The Outsiders, Greaser, Grease
Outsiders The Outsiders is a movie about teenagers who Are always facing conflicts around themselves. The teens are represented in many different ways throughout the movie. There will be many questions asked like are these teens realistically portrayed, Are they like any other teen you know, and is it worth doing what these teens do throughout the movie? The teens are represented good and bad. They are represented good when they are hiding out at the church, there is a fire in the church with a bunch of kids in there and on of the boys run in to save the kids the other two jump in to help save them. The make the front cover of the newspaper. They risked their lives to save the kids and the one boy had to get rushed to the hospital to get treated for serious burns. The teen were represented with the cloths that they wear, the Socs were all dressed up in dress pants and polo shirts for the preppy look. The greasers were dresses up as if they didn't care what they look like, they had long greasy hair, blue jeans and a T-shirt. If I were the teen at the scene of the fire I don't think that I would go into the church unless I knew someone in there and they really needed help. The teens were realistically portrayed when one of the guys from the Socs wanted to talk to the Greaser in the blue mustang to talk to him about some of his problems. The one Greaser asked the other on what to do and he said nothing legal, they went under the fence to watch a movie in the drive in theater. These teens are like the teens that we have in our city, because we have gangs in our city and there are bound to be against each other. There are teens who smoke and have the tough guy attitude like some in our city. The gangs are the rich Socs verse the poor Greasers, they are always seeing to see who has more power. The final brawl showed who had more power and the Greasers won. These issues are accurate that they showed, it is in our every day live that we come across such issues affecting our media. There are also many stereotypes out there that are in the movie and out in the real world.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The effects of social factors Essays
The effects of social factors Essays The effects of social factors Essay The effects of social factors Essay In order to measure and step in efficaciously with service users, societal workers need to hold an apprehension of the effects of the interplay between societal structural factors and single factors in both the creative activity and prolongation of the job. Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 2 Working Within the System†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦ 4 Vulnerability†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦ . 6 Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8 Bibliography.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ .. 9 Introduction In the United Kingdom, the Department of Health ( 2009 ) represents the governmental bureau that has the duty for ordaining policy on societal attention every bit good as wellness, along with the National Health Service ( 2009 ) . Children with disablements represents a extremely of import and sensitive country in that it entails attention in the place every bit good as the school environment for the varied afflictions that comprise the term disablement. The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 in the United Kingdom defines disablement as an person that has a mental and or physical damage that has an inauspicious and long term impact and or consequence on that person’s ability to map with regard to day-to-day activities ( Office of Public Sector Information, 2005 ) . In clear uping the footings used in the definition, long term represents an damage that has either lasted, and or is projected to last for a period of 12 months, with particular commissariats refering what are terme d as fluctuating or conditions that recur ( Office of Public Sector Information, 2005 ) . Normal day-to-day activities represent consist of countries such as feeding, walking, rinsing and simple points such as shopping ( Office of Public Sector Information, 2005 ) . In footings of disablements, the afflictions in the case of kids, which are the focal point of this survey, include centripetal every bit good as physical damages, larning disablements, and conditions that are chronic such as arthritis, asthma, bosom disease and diabetes ( Miles and Stephenson, 2001 ) . The World Health Organisation classifies disablements under five classs. The first of these represents Impairment’ , which is either a loss and or abnormalcy relating to a portion of the organic structure, and or organic structure construction, with physiological facets stand foring mental maps ( World Health Organisation, 2001 ) . Activity is the 2nd of these five countries, stand foring simple undertakings such as traveling, hold oning, etc. to more complex aspects such as acquisition, and retrieving events from the yesteryear ( World Health Organisation, 2001 ) . Activity restriction is the 3rd of the five countries that can be public presentation trouble and or completion o f an activity due to discomfort and or hurting, continuing excessively easy and or rapidly ( World Health Organisation, 2001 ) . Engagement is the 4th country that entails the societal facets such as behavior, imposts, along with the 5th country, engagement limitation, that represents disadvantages for an person with an damage that is impacted by personal aspects and or environmental factors such as wheelchair entree, etc. ( World Health Organisation, 2001 ) . The predating accounts of disablements has been engaged in to supply an context of the term every bit good as to paint a image of the varied facets associated with holding a disablement as a footing for understanding the context of this treatment. The survey seeks to analyze the fact that societal workers need to hold an apprehension of the effects of the interplay between societal structural factors every bit good as single factors in order to measure every bit good as intervene efficaciously with service users refering the job and or issues at manus. The foregoing is entails a figure of considerations that in this survey shall be set in the case of kids with disablements and their households, seeking to understand the positions every bit good as experience of handicapped kids every bit good as the factors that affect the appraisal model, along with relevant policies and statute law. In add-on, this survey shall include a expression at the factors that contribute to the increased ex posure of handicapped kids, diging into confounding marks every bit good as indexs. The last two factors that shall be looked at entail the publicity of resiliency in handicapped kids, intending safeguarding them from maltreatment and household force 2, every bit good as pattern positions. In order to turn to the predating aspects of this survey, a puting shall be utilized that entails the fictional circumstance about the feelings of a female parent of a handicapped kid believing she her handicapped progeny every bit good as her were excluded as her healthy boy traversed to school whereby she every bit good as this boy had interaction with the other female parents and kids in a normal environment. The mother’s other boy, who suffers from a disablement was picked up by a particular coach every bit good as being returned place from school in the same mode. The predating circumstance represents the context into which the survey shall seek to turn to the factors as detailed in the last paragraph of the Introduction. Social workers represent the interface between the policies and ordinances as set Forth under UK legislative acts for handicapped kids under the Disability Discrimination Act 2005, in consort with the installations, services and commissariats within the Department of Health ( 2009 ) , and the National Health Service ( 2009 ) . The predating fictional instance illustration represents ethical and legislative issues that shall be examined within the context of the range of duties as set Forth by the British Association of Social Workers ( 2009 ) , societal workers have duties to service users, co-workers, society, and within the context of policies, Torahs and ordinances to work out human relationships, along with the sweetening of their well being through the usage of societal systems ( British Association of Social Workers, 2009 ) . The state of affairs being examined herein falls under the Every Child Matters initiative to guarantee all kids, including those with disablements are pro vided the support they need ( The Stationary Office, 2004 ) . The Children’s Act was a direct branch of Every Child Matters’ that resulted from the mishandling by the societal attention system and societal workers of Victoria Climbie whereby a immature miss was non safeguarded in the system from maltreatment, even though all of the marks where at that place in footings of physical grounds and residing in the societal attention system ( Office of Public Sector Information, 2004 ) . Working Within the System The Every Child Matters inaugural put away four cardinal countries that were devised as a consequence of the enquiry into the decease of Victoria Climbie as recommended under the Laming Report, that were 1. the support within the system of carers every bit good as parents, 2. engage in early intercession that entails effectual protections, 3, utilise within the bringing of attention answerability in footings of actions taken every bit good as integrating within the societal attention system, and 4. reforming the methods, preparation and processs used by workers in the system ( Laming, 2003 ) . The Children Act 2004 strengthened the interplay between bureaus with respect to the sharing of information on instances, with the system revised so that the full instance files followed those under its attention to different parts every bit good as being available to differing bureaus to guarantee entree to all the specifics of a instance ( Sinclair and Corden, 2005 ) . The foregoing represents the alterations that occurred in the societal attention system as a consequence of the Victoria Climbie Inquiry ( Laming, 2003 ) that goes to the bosom of the focal point of this survey, which represents the apprehension that societal workers need to hold in footings of the interplay between societal structural factors, and the single factors of those under their attention. The cognition and usage of the bureaus, procedures and ordinances to use to turn to differing issues and or jobs falls under the cognition of societal workers that includes the support of interlinked databases for sharing information between all bureaus every bit good as an review system that oversees all instances to guarantee proper handling ( Home Office 2004 ) . The fictional instance that was brought Forth in the Introduction section of this survey falls under the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families’ ( Department of Health, 2005 ) that sets forth the demands, processs and guidelines for societal workers to carry through effectual intercession with regard to issues and jobs confronting and or of refering to those on their instance burden. Under the Framework’ local governments are obligated to 1. †¦ provide services to kids in need , 2. with such attention to be provided as appropriate, 3. to advise, aid and befriend a kid whilst he is being looked after †¦ , 4. to provide services to understate the consequence of disabilities , 5. to take stairss to forestall neglect or ill-treatment ( Department of Health, 2005, p. 12 ) . Vulnerability The predating represents the issue of the exposure of the kid, which in this instance is a perceptual issue implying societal inclusion, which falls under the National Children’s Bureau ( 2007, p. 24 ) , and is termed as Needs-led assessment’ which states that †¦ it is non ever clear how the services provided meet the demands of children , every bit good as the matching of demands and services to specific state of affairss. The model under the needs led assessment represents a concerted agreement between the societal worker, the patient ( kid ) , and households to understand what needs and can be done to run into the demand that is brought Forth ( National Children’s Bureau, 2007, p. 24 This includes fairness of entree and transparency ( National Children’s Bureau, 2007 ) . While the mode in which the societal worker would decide this particular job is non known, the of import facet is that such a model exists. The fictional instance illustration provided does non include force and or maltreatment, nevertheless, the foregoing represents a aspect of the countries to be covered in this survey. There is another aspect of the publicity of resilience in kids that entails their header with their disablement. The concerns as raised by the female parent sing the closed cringle conveyance of her kid falls under this country. Boyden and Mann ( 2005, p. 3 ) state us that adversity comes in many signifiers, as a consequence of societal †¦ discord, single Acts of the Apostless of skip or committee †¦ and many other causes . They add that as a consequence of their †¦ juvenility and, specifically, their deficiency of societal power, kids †¦ are most frequently among the most badly affected by these inauspicious circumstances ( Boyden and Mann, 2005, p. 3 ) . The case of a mother’s concern over conveyance and exclusion seemed to stand for a fiddling affair in Circumstantial Backg round subdivision of this survey, but, as one becomes more familiar with the fortunes and twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours life exposure that kids with disablements have, the smallest events can be rather immense in their branchings. The impact that the fictional female parent makes in this illustration represents her observations of her kid and fortunes, which different kids every bit good as parents position and grip in separate manners ( Hill et al, 2009 ) . The predating aspect represents a recognized issue that the Department of Health ( 2004 ) addresses in its policy termed as Core Standards which is a national service model for kids, immature people and pregnancy services. In a preface to this papers, Dr. John Reid, the Secretary of State for Health, states that †¦ inequalities still impact on kids †¦ ( with ) †¦ some find ( ing ) it hard to entree the services they need †¦ ( Department of Health, 2004, p. 3 ) . He continues At the bosom of the National Service Framework ( Core Standards ) is a cardinal alteration in our manner of believing about children’s wellness †¦ ( that ) †¦ advocates a displacement with services being designed and delivered around the demands of the child ( Department of Health, 2004, p. 3 ) . The preceding is an highly importance policy statement that has been translated into actuality by Core Standards under the National Service Framework that provides guidelines for kids, young persons and pregnancy services. There are many commissariats within the aforesaid guidelines that have pertinence to our fictional survey illustration, Segment 12. Listening to Parents, which states Listening to the positions of parents is one of the most effectual ways of bettering support services for them ( Department of Health, 2004, p. 57 ) . The foregoing, National Service Framework, besides addresses the last aspect of our survey, pattern positions. The Core Standards states that under Section 13 All staff who work with or come into contact with kids, immature people and their households in all bureaus have the common nucleus accomplishments, cognition and competences †¦ ( Department of Health, 2004, p. 62 ) . It adds that †¦involvement of service users, and include appropriate multi-disciplinary preparation and instruction in back uping parenting, including parenting of kids in particular circumstances therefore demoing that the procedures involved in the bringing and quality of services as provided to kids with disablements has a good rounded every bit good as policy model for societal workers to follow every bit good as usage in turn toing the battalion of issues and jobs that arise ( Department of Health, 2004, p. 62 ) . Decision The providing of societal attention to kids with disablement represents one of the more of import maps within the system as it entails looking after the demands of those excessively immature to look after their ain demands. The societal attention system has been crafted in the United Kingdom to near the handling of kids, particularly those with disablements, with attention, compassion and apprehension. True, the system every bit good as policies are far from perfect, and or developed to their best extent, but the United Kingdom is committed to consistent betterments of an evolutionary nature. The fictional circumstance used in this survey represented a agency to exemplify the mode in which societal workers interact with the system, and the bureaus, policies and ordinances in topographic point to help them in their work. The guidelines and other aspects as utilized herein to exemplify the fictional illustration provided the foundation to showcase the mode in which the societal attention system works. While specific replies to the fictional illustrations were non provided, the intent of this survey revealed that the model exists for the declaration of the issue, which represents the intent of this scrutiny. Bibliography Boyden, J. , Mann, G. ( 2005 )Children’s Risk, Resilience, and Coping in Extreme Situations.Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, United States British Association of Social Workers ( 2009 )Scope and Aims.Retrieved on 14 January 2009 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.basw.co.uk/Default.aspx? tabid=64 Department of Health ( 1989 )An Introduction to the Children Act 1989.Her Majesty’s Stationary Office. London, United Kingdom Department of Health ( 2004 )Core Standards. Department of Health. London, United Kingdom Department of Health ( 2005 )Model for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families.Department of Health, London, United Kingdom Department of Health ( 2009 )Social Care.Retrieved on 16 January 2009 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.dh.gov.uk/en/SocialCare/index.htm Hill, M. , Stafford, A. , Seaman, P. , Ross, N. , Daniel, B. ( 2009 )Rearing and resiliency.Joseph Rowntree Foundation. London, United Kingdom Home Office ( 2004 )Implementing Section 10 of the Children Act 2004: Inter-Agency Co-operation to Better the Wellbeing of Children – Children’s Trusts. Home Office. London, United Kingdom Crippling, L, ( 2003 )The Victoria Climbie Inquiry: Report of an Inquiry by Lord Laming.The Stationary Office, London, United Kingdom Miles, G. , Stephenson, P. ( 2001 )Children with Disabilities.Vol. 3. Tearfund Child Development, Middlesex, United Kingdom National Children’s Bureau ( 2007 )Needs led appraisal.Retrieved on 16 January 2009 from file: ///C: /Documents % 20and % 20Settings/Administrador/Configuraci % F3n % 20local/Archivos % 20temporales % 20de % 20Internet/Content.IE5/85YN85IZ/paia_3_needs-ledassessment % 5B1 % 5D.ppt # 257,2, Needs led appraisal National Health Service ( 2009 )Life with Disability.Retrieved on 16 January 2009 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.nhs.uk/livewell/Disability/Pages/Lifewithdisability.aspx Office of Public Sector Information ( 2004 )Children Act 2004.Office of Public Sector Information. London, United Kingdom Office of Public Sector Information ( 2005 )Disability Discrimination Act 2005. Office of Public Sector Information. London, United Kingdom Sinclair, I. , Corden, J. ( 2005 )A direction solution to maintaining kids safe: Calcium bureaus on their ain accomplish what Lord Crippling wants?Joseph Rowntree Foundation. London, United Kingdom The Stationary Office ( 2004 )Every Child Matters.The Stationary Office. London, United Kingdom World Health Organisation ( 2001 )International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health.World Health Organisation. Geneva, Switzerland
Friday, November 22, 2019
Positions for and Against Abortion
Positions for and Against Abortion Many points come up in the abortion debate. Heres a look at abortion from both sides: 10 arguments for abortion and 10 arguments against abortion, for a total of 20 statements that represent a range of topics as seen from both sides. Pro-Life Arguments Since life begins at conception, abortion is akin to murder as it is the act of taking human life. Abortion is in direct defiance of the commonly accepted idea of the sanctity of human lifeNo civilized society permits one human to intentionally harm or take the life of another human without punishment, and abortion is no different.Adoption is a viable alternative to abortion and accomplishes the same result. And with 1.5 million American families wanting to adopt a child, there is no such thing as an unwanted child.An abortion can result in medical complications later in life; the risk of ectopic pregnancies doubles and the chance of a miscarriage and pelvic inflammatory disease also increases.In the instance of rape and incest, proper medical care can ensure that a woman will not get pregnant. Abortion punishes the unborn child who committed no crime; instead, it is the perpetrator who should be punished.Abortion should not be used as another form of contraception.For women who dema nd complete control of their body, control should include preventing the risk of unwanted pregnancy through the responsible use of contraception or, if that is not possible, through abstinence. Many Americans who pay taxes are opposed to abortion, therefore its morally wrong to use tax dollars to fund abortion.Those who choose abortions are often minors or young women with insufficient life experience to understand fully what they are doing. Many have lifelong regrets afterward.Abortion frequently causes intense psychological pain and stress. Pro-Choice Arguments Nearly all abortions take place in the first trimester when a fetus is attached by the placenta and umbilical cord to the mother. As such, its health is dependent on her health, and cannot be regarded as a separate entity as it cannot exist outside her womb.The concept of personhood is different from the concept of human life. Human life occurs at conception, but fertilized eggs used for in vitro fertilization are also human lives and those not implanted are routinely thrown away. Is this murder, and if not, then how is abortion murder?Adoption is not an alternative to abortion because it remains the womans choice whether or not to give her child up for adoption. Statistics show that very few women who give birth choose to give up their babies; less than 3 percent of white unmarried women and less than 2 percent of percent black​ unmarried women.Abortion is a safe medical procedure. The vast majority of women (88 percent) who have an abortion do so in their first trimester. Me dical abortions have less than 0.5 percent risk of serious complications and do not affect a womans health or future ability to become pregnant or give birth. In the case of rape or incest, forcing a woman made pregnant by this violent act would cause further psychological harm to the victim. Often a woman is too afraid to speak up or is unaware she is pregnant, thus the morning after pill is ineffective in these situations.Abortion is not used as a form of contraception. Pregnancy can occur even with responsible contraceptive use. Only 8 percent of women who have abortions do not use any form of birth control, and that is due more to individual carelessness than to the availability of abortion.The ability of a woman to have control of her body is critical to civil rights. Take away her reproductive choice and you step onto a slippery slope. If the government can force a woman to continue a pregnancy, what about forcing a woman to use contraception or undergo sterilization?Taxpayer dollars are used to enable poor women to access the same medical services as rich women, and abortion is one of these services. Funding abortion is no differ ent from funding a war in the Mideast. For those who are opposed, the place to express outrage is in the voting booth. Teenagers who become mothers have grim prospects for the future. They are much more likely to leave school; receive inadequate prenatal care; rely on public assistance to raise a child; develop health problems; or end up divorced.Like any other difficult situation, abortion creates stress. Yet the American Psychological Association found that stress was greatest prior to an abortion and that there was no evidence of post-abortion syndrome.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Quality improvement in real estate Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Quality improvement in real estate - Term Paper Example Vision – The vision of the company is to become one of the most reliable and preferred real estate firms. The company aims to provide most innovative and creative services to our valued customers consistently. Mission – Mobilizing and delivering best services on basis of our vast knowledge, human resource talent, and by taking most informed decisions. The core values of the company are, Trust and collaboration Respect Integrity Identification of Active Quality Programs The company implements quality assurance and control systems based on latest available technologies and ISO standards that are widely recognized internationally. The decision to adopt ISO standards were made keeping in mind future overseas expansion. The company carries out extensive research to identify the necessary areas of improvement related to quality assurance and control concept. The process involves surveying the active quality programs of other private real estate firms. The company has dedicate d research department that works with talented employees in respective domains. The company’s active quality programs, primarily centered on internal control and quality assurance, are strategically planned keeping in mind all the current legal aspects. One of the most challenging tasks for a real estate firm is to acquire land without any hassles. The success of the firm will depend on how effectively the company identifies controls, manages and improves their active quality programs. Thus, processes must be repeatable and measurable and only then areas of further improvement could be identified and necessary steps may be taken for improvement. Some of the active quality programs initiated by the company are, Deming Cycle Analysis – The cycle may be broken into four phases namely Plan, Do, Study and Act. As discussed earlier, the company has dedicated department for research and analytical activities that specializes in this sort of activities (Evans, 2013, pp.157-158 ). Seven QC Tools – The Company uses these tools, as per requirement client requirements, to chart and identify logical sequences of activities, flow of information and materials. Lean Sigma – The Company integrates improvement methods in order to increase efficiency, reduce defects, wastes, and variances. Brief Explanation of Job As the owner of Real Estate Corporation, it is my responsibility to oversee every active operations of business. In broader perspective, my job includes business planning (drawing business strategy), planning Human Resource and marketing strategies; ensure efficient customer service and management of financial resources. More specifically, as the owner of corporation it is my duty to constantly motivate managers and employees with effective leadership skills targeted at maintaining employee commitment. All projects are passed after my final approval but they are initially analyzed by the project manager. The finance manager prepares annual bu dget after consulting with me and other co-founders. I am also the Executive CEO of the company that helps me to regularly communicate with employees of all stages of hierarchy, understand their problems, appreciate new ideas, and create a more cooperative environment. The constant interaction with all levels of the company helps to enforce greater control and responsibility over business. Identification of Major Processes of Engagement The company provides commercial real estate services to customer group
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Systematic Approach to Learning and Development Essay
Systematic Approach to Learning and Development - Essay Example A systematic approach includes a unique but practical network that evaluates approaches before, during and after training to ensure employees truly benefited from the training in terms of enhanced results to the organisation. To be evaluative under such conditions, an organisation must possess capabilities that produce a highly responsive and adaptive system of decision and action. In such a system, it is necessary to evaluate the means of the information, where decisions, and actions are brought into conjunction and involves a complex interplay between individuals, positions, and levels. Such an interplay plays a critical role in evaluating organisational responsiveness and makes flexibility highly important where control and guidance of these processes in a flexible manner are a critical function of an organisation. Systematic approach serves as a tool to apply systems theory in context with organisational change as systems theory or systems thinking is the idea that an organisation is made up of many different resources. It relies upon various sorts of resources which are helpful in utilising it as a person, a group of people, a function, a product or a service to be one part of the entire system. The basic concept lies with the notion that in case one element of the system is changed, the nature and makeup of the entire system is also changed, that means the systems or components of systems that make up an organisation are integrated to accomplish the overall goals of the company. System thinking enables the organisation to make decisions in order to note down even minute effects and their consequences which result in changes that have a broader impact on the company from a broad perspective. This help ensuring the facts that the decisions and steps that that are being taken are made in a wi se manner by considering the overall structure of the organisation rather than seeing only isolated specific events. On the other hand systematic approach addresses the loopholes that remain in the organisation's infrastructure and analyzes the capabilities of their employees in relation to the working scenario. This indicates systems theoretical approach enables systematic approach to first make appropriate decisions and then analyzes the change in the form of evaluation, resulting in change management. The resultant of the systematic approach is the organisational change which in a broader aspect views the impact of change on the organisation and helps the organisation identifying the real causes and issues and address them quickly. However critics point out that such change under the approach of a systematic manner, does not guarantee the notion that change will be without negative consequences. In fact, what is seen is that if the major organisational parts are recognised, their relationships help the organisation integrate the goals of the change throughout the organisation. Evaluating Performances under Change Management Changing organisations advices to fix the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Five Important Factors to Success Essay Example for Free
Five Important Factors to Success Essay Employers today look for a variety of skill sets and personal strengths in an individual and hire those whom they feel will contribute most to their company. As an individual applying for employment or an internship with a company, one should be well aware of the necessary requirements and the recommended skill sets that each company looks for in a potential employee. While there are many different factors that can impact an individual’s success in gaining an internship or employment, there are five factors that especially highlight one’s qualifications. The first thing that employers search for in a future employee is the quality and extent of the individual’s academic background. â€Å"The importance of a college education has become quite evident in terms of earning potential within today’s economy†(College View). A knowledge base of all general education classes along with classes that focus on the individual’s major are an extremely desired asset for most high-income jobs. Specialization of one’s education builds and structures the skills and strengths that an individual will need to be successful in their desired industry. Within this one industry, employers have to start what is called a â€Å"weed out†process in order to narrow down their applicant list. One of the most highly used techniques among these businesses is creating an automatic drop list based on academic achievement for the recent college graduates. Each college graduate will have taken the same set of classes for a particular major, therefore, if one student’s grades do not compare to those of the high achievers, they will have less of a chance finding employment or an internship. However, these college graduates with lower grade point averages are still more likely to obtain important job positions than those who lack a degree altogether. According to College View, â€Å"attending college provides opportunities for graduates which are not as widespread to those who have not received a higher education.†Leadership is a key factor in building one’s path to success. Success Magazine says â€Å"leadership is everything, whether you are leading a life, a community, an organization or a business, or you are in school.†Businesses looking to hire employees want to ensure that each applicable individual demonstrates the initiative to take on projects and fully complete them in an organized and timely manner. According to Success Magazine, it is extremely important that new hires â€Å"develop the abilities of leaders in the areas of strategic and critical thinking, enhancing relationships, negotiating, managing risks, people, change, conflicts and financials, making the right decisions, managing work-life balance†in order to become successful in their new position. Businesses also look for leadership like characteristics in their potential new hires such as integrity, honesty, drive, and excellence. These qualities within an individual will help a company progress and become more successful. Hiring new employees is a risk for each company. Because of this liability, businesses want to make decisions in which they feel confident that will benefit their company due to the fact that it is so costly to hire a new employee undergoing extensive training. Having a leadership background can definitively increase an individual’s likelihood of gaining employment or an internship. Recruiters find it significant that their potential new hires show diligent involvement and a proactive attitude throughout their years attending a university. Being involved with organizations on and off a university campus will greatly benefit an individual because of the variety of different learning, volunteer, and career opportunities given by each of the organizations. Small Business Advice found that a proactive employee â€Å"is not going to sit back and wait for opportunities to land in their lap. Instead, they are going to go out and get what it is they want.†Employees want to make sure that the people they are going to hire will work proactively and in the best interest of the company and nobody else. Individuals that show experience with commitments of an organization in which they are involved demonstrate a more effective work ethic. Small Business Advice says â€Å"you will never see a leader sitting back and waiting for someone to tell them what to do and when to do it.†This is exactly what a company looks for in a new hire. Networking is an extremely important part of successfully gaining employment or internships. The most successful people in the world today would not have been able to achieve such great measures if they hadn’t encountered other influential people. People and connections are the greatest resources an individual has. If an individual has connections with respectable and influential people, they are more likely to succeed in their business. Applicants must put their name and qualifications out there in a positive for all to see in order to begin constructing their own effective social network. A way for individuals in college to network is to join organizations and meet with professors and other academic advisors. The more connections one has, the more likely they will receive a job or internship within a company. It is absolutely necessary that an applicant or new hire demonstrate professional behavior at all times. Recruiters are looking to hire individual’s that will represent their company in a good light 100 percent of the time. No matter where one is or what one does in their free time, if they are publicly misrepresenting themselves, and therefore, the company as a whole, the business will no longer allow that individual to continue portraying the company in such a bad manner and will fire them. A professional businessperson is always on the best of their behavior and always keeps the goals and priorities of the company before their own personal goals and priorities. There are numerous factors that influence a recruiter’s decision to hire a new employee. However, the five main factors are a strong academic background, leadership, proactive involvement, networking and professional behavior.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Comparing The Holy Bible and Crime and Punishment :: comparison compare contrast essays
The Bible and Crime and Punishment Dosteovsky's novel Crime and Punishment depicts the Biblical account of Jesus' path to crucifixion burdened with a wooden cross through the character of Raskolnikov. After committing a cold-blooded murder he experiences mental anguish, and in a defeated state, confesses, and accepts the consequences of his crime. Although the novel begins by focusing on the crime itself, the majority of the book discusses Raskolnikov's struggle through denial and redemption after the murder has been committed. His own "greatness" leads to his denial of God, and his attempt to suppress his conscience causes insanity and sickness. However these negative consequences force him to acknowledge his rectitude and realize his need for confession. The prostitute, Sonya, helps Raskolnikov take a step toward redemption by discussing with him the Biblical account of Lazarus' revival from death. This scene depicts his inability to comprehend Sonya's God, and epitomizes his refusal to cling to a higher being. Raskolnikov's incessant pursuit of hindering Sonya's faith characterized the frustration and struggle he experienced because of spiritual issues. However, his path to confession progressed during their conversation because of his hidden desire to understand Sonya's faith. With her aid, he took a step toward redemption foreshadowing her action in raising him from the "dead." Sonya pleads with him to wear her cross and confess to his heinous crime. However, he refuses to accept this burden. This directly parallels with Jesus' refusal to die before his proper time. The climax of the novel takes place after Raskolnikov's realization and acceptance of his consequences. He visits Sonya and receives her cross. Through this action, he accepts punishment and ironically, his life. This gift's benefactor, Sonya, carries significance in this allusion to the Bible. Sonya, a sinner through the world's eyes, bestows her cross on Raskolnikov. In addition, she gives him the strength to live again. Jesus was given the cross to carry by the people, sinners by definition of the Bible. By his actions, he gave life back to the people that condemned him to death. Raskolnikov's tread to police headquarters for confession paralleled Jesus' trudge to crucifixion with his cross.
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Academic Standards of Schools Today
College or technical schools are supposed to be the gateway to higher paying careers, but most are not all that they are cracked up to be. The standards and goals that society wants met are continually not being met by the students today. Also, many higher learning facilities lack the funds to provide positive learning environments for students. For these reasons and many more are keeping the students of today from benefiting fully from schools. Society today has to make some new choices for the students of tomorrow, choices that will carry them into the next millennium. Society can either â€Å"lower standards so that everybody â€Å"passes†in a way that looses all meaning in the real world†or †raise standards and then meet them†(Barber 479). I personally believe in raising our expectations and doing whatever is needed to meet them. Our countries standards are among the lowest in the world and †at the same moment as we are transferring our responsibilities to the shoulders of the next generation, we are blaming them for our own generation†s most conspicuous failures†(Barber 472). Every election year the candidates use something about education as one of their platforms, but few ever carry through with them once they are elected. Most education bills die in congress in some shape or another and the ones that actually make it through congress, are usually ineffective because they have been changed and modified to the point of ineffectiveness. Also, many of the learning facilities today lack the funding to provide adequate, positive learning environments for students. Underpaid teachers and professors who †make less than accountants architects, doctors, lawyers, engineers, judges, health professionals, auidiors, and surveyors†and thus many student disregard teachers as role models. If people see someone who can score touchdowns or dunk a basketball making millions while their teachers are scraping bottom to survive, then how can an educator possibly motivate them to learn (Barber 470). Many people chase after their â€Å"dreams†of money instead of seeing the reality of learning. Although society today rates an education as one of their top priorities, they still allow learning facilities to become broken and run down. Like animals, children and adults file into buildings with bad floors, horrible plumbing, leaky roofs and ceilings, and pack into desk, usually 35+ per educator. Today the government spends $35,000 a year to keep someone behind bars and only a fraction of that to keep them in school (Barber 475). Tuition, room, and board at most colleges now come to at least $7,000, not counting books and fees. This might seem to suggest that the colleges are getting rich. But they are equally battered by inflation. Tuition covers only 60 percent of what it cost to educate a student, and ordinarily the remainder comes from what colleges receive in endowments, grants, and gifts†(Bird 498). Its about time we started to provide more money. Funding more for education wont solve every problem but no problem can even begin to be solved without it. The so-called higher learning facilities of today are selling students short when it comes to their education. Properly funding the education system and setting new standards for the future is an important part of education reform. Education reform for the US is a vital part of insuring the future for students and bringing them up to the standards set by other countries. The Academic Standards of Schools Today College or technical schools are supposed to be the gateway to higher paying careers, but most are not all that they are cracked up to be. The standards and goals that society wants met are continually not being met by the students today. Also, many higher learning facilities lack the funds to provide positive learning environments for students. For these reasons and many more are keeping the students of today from benefiting fully from schools. Society today has to make some new choices for the students of tomorrow, choices that will carry them into the next millennium. Society can either â€Å"lower standards so that everybody â€Å"passes†in a way that looses all meaning in the real world†or †raise standards and then meet them†(Barber 479). I personally believe in raising our expectations and doing whatever is needed to meet them. Our countries standards are among the lowest in the world and †at the same moment as we are transferring our responsibilities to the shoulders of the next generation, we are blaming them for our own generation†s most conspicuous failures†(Barber 472). Every election year the candidates use something about education as one of their platforms, but few ever carry through with them once they are elected. Most education bills die in congress in some shape or another and the ones that actually make it through congress, are usually ineffective because they have been changed and modified to the point of ineffectiveness. Also, many of the learning facilities today lack the funding to provide adequate, positive learning environments for students. Underpaid teachers and professors who †make less than accountants architects, doctors, lawyers, engineers, judges, health professionals, auidiors, and surveyors†and thus many student disregard teachers as role models. If people see someone who can score touchdowns or dunk a basketball making millions while their teachers are scraping bottom to survive, then how can an educator possibly motivate them to learn (Barber 470). Many people chase after their â€Å"dreams†of money instead of seeing the reality of learning. Although society today rates an education as one of their top priorities, they still allow learning facilities to become broken and run down. Like animals, children and adults file into buildings with bad floors, horrible plumbing, leaky roofs and ceilings, and pack into desk, usually 35+ per educator. Today the government spends $35,000 a year to keep someone behind bars and only a fraction of that to keep them in school (Barber 475). Tuition, room, and board at most colleges now come to at least $7,000, not counting books and fees. This might seem to suggest that the colleges are getting rich. But they are equally battered by inflation. Tuition covers only 60 percent of what it cost to educate a student, and ordinarily the remainder comes from what colleges receive in endowments, grants, and gifts†(Bird 498). Its about time we started to provide more money. Funding more for education wont solve every problem but no problem can even begin to be solved without it. The so-called higher learning facilities of today are selling students short when it comes to their education. Properly funding the education system and setting new standards for the future is an important part of education reform. Education reform for the US is a vital part of insuring the future for students and bringing them up to the standards set by other countries.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Propaganda and women during Essay
Propaganda was used in World War One to make sure that people only knew what the Government wanted them to. To make sure everyone thought the same way as the government all information was controlled. Newspapers were expected to print what the government wanted and the newspapers started using emotional headlines, even if they weren’t true. Some examples of these headlines are: -â€Å"Belgium child’s hands cut off by Germans†-â€Å"Germans crucify Canadian officer†Anyone caught spreading the truth would be arrested. Propaganda aimed at Women While the men were fighting it was left to the women to do the men’s jobs and treat injured soldiers. To get the women to do this propaganda was used. The Red Cross used pride in this poster to try and get women to join. Propaganda aimed at Men This poster uses pride to try and get the men to join the army, this poster is showing a man’s children asking him what he did in the war. The government are trying to say that if you fight in the war your family would be proud of you. Untrue stories â€Å"Monks in Antwerp were being forced to ring bells to celebrate the Germans invading the city. The monks refused to do this so were tied to the clappers of the bells and being used as human clappers which killed them.†This was untrue but a brilliant way for the British government to make people hate the Germans even more. German Newspaper headlines -English soldiers put plague germs in German wells. -German prisoners blinded by their Allied Captors. Women during WW1 While the men were fighting someone had to do their jobs so this usually fell to the women. Some of the jobs they were given were; nurses, working in munitions factories (which often turned their hair and skin yellow due to the chemicals), in public transport, as police women, ambulance drivers, fire fighters, in post offices, making weapons and farming. Towards the end of the war some women were being recruited into the army as cooks, clerks and electricians so that all the men could fight. Most women would still have to do the cooking, cleaning and other household chores as well as their day jobs. The women also knitted scarves, hats and gloves to send to the soldiers. This is not often recognised and they didn’t always get there but if they did the soldiers were grateful. The Women’s Land Army In WW1 the German navy stopped food being imported to England and this made up 50% of the food eaten in England. In 1917 the harvest failed and there were not many reserves. Rations were put in place and the British made do. There was also a shortage of farm labourers as most men were out fighting. The government set up the land army which allowed women to become farm labourers which would not have been allowed before. By 1918 there were 23,000 Land girls that would milk the cattle, plough the fields and herd the cattle. The Land army stopped in 1919 as the men returned home and food was able to imported again.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Definition of Quarks in Physics
Definition of Quarks in Physics A quark is one of the fundamental particles in physics. They join to form hadrons, such as protons and neutrons, which are components of the nuclei of atoms. The study of quarks and the interactions between them through the strong force is called particle physics. The antiparticle of a quark is the antiquark. Quarks and antiquarks are the only two fundamental particles that interact through all four fundamental forces of physics: gravitation, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak interactions. Quarks and Confinement A quark exhibits confinement, which means that the quarks are not observed independently but always in combination with other quarks. This makes determining the properties (mass, spin, and parity) impossible to measure directly; these traits must be inferred from the particles composed of them. These measurements indicate a non-integer spin (either 1/2 or -1/2), so quarks are fermions and follow the Pauli Exclusion Principle. In the strong interaction between quarks, they exchange gluons, which are massless vector gauge bosons that carry a pair of color and anticolor charges. When exchanging gluons, the color of the quarks change. This color force is weakest when the quarks are close together and becomes stronger as they move apart. Quarks are so strongly bound by the color force that if there is enough energy to separate them, a quark-antiquark pair is produced and binds with any free quark to produce a hadron. As a result, free quarks are never seen alone. Flavors of Quarks There are six flavors of quarks: up, down, strange, charm, bottom, and top. The flavor of the quark determines its properties. Quarks with a charge of (2/3)e are called up-type quarks, and those with a charge of -(1/3)e are called down-type. There are three generations of quarks, based on pairs of weak positive/negative, weak isospin. The first generation quarks are up and down quarks, the second-generation quarks are strange, and charm quarks, the third generation quarks are top and bottom quarks. All quarks have a baryon number (B 1/3) and a lepton number (L 0). The flavor determines certain other unique properties, described in individual descriptions. The up and down quarks make up protons and neutrons, seen in the nucleus of ordinary matter. They are the lightest and most stable. The heavier quarks are produced in high-energy collisions and rapidly decay into up and down quarks. A proton is composed of two up quarks and a down quark. A neutron is composed of one up quark and two down quarks. First-Generation Quarks Up quark (symbol u) Weak Isospin: 1/2Isospin (Iz): 1/2Charge (proportion of e): 2/3Mass (in MeV/c2): 1.5 to 4.0 Down quark (symbol d) Weak Isospin: -1/2Isospin (Iz): -1/2Charge (proportion of e): -1/3Mass (in MeV/c2): 4 to 8 Second Generation Quarks Charm quark (symbol c) Weak Isospin: 1/2Charm (C): 1Charge (proportion of e): 2/3Mass (in MeV/c2): 1150 to 1350 Strange quark (symbol s) Weak Isospin: -1/2Strangeness (S): -1Charge (proportion of e): -1/3Mass (in MeV/c2): 80 to 130 Third Generation Quarks Top quark (symbol t) Weak Isospin: 1/2Topness (T): 1Charge (proportion of e): 2/3Mass (in MeV/c2): 170200 to 174800 Bottom quark (symbol b) Weak Isospin: -1/2Bottomness (B): 1Charge (proportion of e): -1/3Mass (in MeV/c2): 4100 to 4400
Monday, November 4, 2019
A Fitness Center Where Every Body Benefits Marketing Essay
A Fitness Center Where Every Body Benefits Marketing Essay Entrepreneurship project that was assigned to us was to make a business plan of a new business venture. The report covers the core concepts that are involved in the making of and implementation of a new company’s business plan. Identifying the opportunity and taking the initiative towards something novel and different, a new venture concept that I have decided is a fitness center. This report contains about the company, identification of the target market, strategies to penetrate in the target market segmenting it to different locations, the industry analysis, marketing plan and positioning of the company, effective pricing strategy, how to promote it to clients through different strategies of advertising and promotion, the operational plan for the early stages of the company and the financial factors that are major challenges for the company THE BUSINESS Our vision: To make BODYFIT a place where every body benefits. Mission statement: Your fitness is our priority. We strive to provide you a safe, healthy and secure fitness environment. where customers can achieve their fitness goals. Our professional, expert and qualified staff is committed to the highest level dedication that ensures the satisfaction of customers’ fitness with motivation and quality Opportunity (potential business): We are going to launch new company in Islamabad, Pakistan which is basically a fitness center/club. In Islamabad, there are already few companies that are providing such services like FIT n FLEX, METAFITNOSIS, and FITNESS FIRST, ULTIMATE GYM etc. so there is a room for a new fitness center to establish and capture the market and response. As we have recently seen this trend that people are becoming conscious day by day about their health and fitness and they want such a place where they can get fitness under proper guidance from professionals. So by setting up our fitness center we can cater the needs of our customers by providing unique services under one roof, and get our market share in health industry. MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE Board of Directors: initially the board of directors will be the inside investors who providing with the necessary funding and investment to the company. Law firm: Accounting firm:KPMG Consulting firm: The management team is very crucial for any business success. Our team consists of dedicated members who strive to achieve the maximum benefit for the organization and its customers. Of them MD will play vital role in management by using his expertise and knowledge in the smooth and efficient running of the organization. He would have to oversee and control all the major departments of the company. COMPANY STRUCTURE & INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The company would be established under the legal structure of: Private LTD Company. And the brand name would be protected through registering the company name so that it cannot be copied. As per requirement patents and copyrights would also be applied for. The company will consist of the following departments and their duties would be as follows:- Management department As our vision and mission statement, management departments’ aim is to translate vision and mission in strategic manner to achieve the targets and goals. As this department is the backbone of any organization. The managing Director (MD) will control the structure of the organization.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
What are the strengths and weaknesses of dependency theorists Essay - 1
What are the strengths and weaknesses of dependency theorists interoperation of global inequality What are the strengths and weaknesses of modernisation theorists interoperation of global inequality - Essay Example this paper will focus on other factors that are perceived to be of immense significance when it comes to general shortcomings of these theories and their strengths as well. Specifically, this paper is going to evaluate the view of dependency theory in relation to its strengths and weaknesses in relation to interpretation of global inequality. The emergence of dependence theory is based on the questioning of reliability of market-oriented theories like modernization theory. The major issue of concern was to reject the idea that the major reason according to modernization theory, why underdeveloped countries continued to be poor was due to their cultural and institutional faults. Dependency theorist built their argument based on Karl Marx’s capitalism. This is what was highlighted in major areas of concern as to why these countries were underdeveloped. They argued that capitalism was responsible for creation of a class of countries that manipulated other countries (Giddens 2009). This is in relation to what happens to capitalism within a country, where the rich or owners of means of production exploit workers or low class people. In light with this, dependency theorist argues that poverty and underdevelopment of low income countries is as a result of exploitation by the wealthy nations. In their view, dependency theorist believes that this kind of exploitation began with colonialism. This is the spectrum through which wealthy and powerful nations ruled over the weak nations for their greed for profit maximization and domination. For example, powerful nations have colonized poor countries in a bid to acquire raw materials to use in their factories. In addition, they ensure that they control the market from which the poor countries trade on. Unfortunately, the products sold in the controlled market are the end products of the raw materials taken by the wealthy nations. In fact, it is believed that this is well executed by global companies supported by big banks
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Personal managerial effectiveness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Personal managerial effectiveness - Essay Example In defining what a team is in reference to business considerations, it must be understood that the word team means different things to different organizations. Some organizations use the word as a philosophy to support the concept that all the individual efforts contribute to the overall success of the business. At other times, there is an organizational structure that includes smaller teams that contribute individual projects to the overall success of the larger organization. A general guideline for the concept of the teams within the structure of a business includes the following aspects: Although research into the concept of team building was actively pursued between the 1960’s and the 1980’s, the activity of team building became a more common property of business building in the 1980’s when excess in corporate revenue allowed for expenditures on corporate retreats and interventions (Koppes 2007: 428). The current models are based on the concepts of â€Å"increasing role clarification and social aspects of teams†(Koppes 2007: 428). When building a team, the dynamics of the team and the needs of the goals must all be considered in order to develop a successful venture. Determining when a team must be built is the initiating decision in forming a productive group. Some of the deciding factors in building a team depend on whether or not a project has been â€Å"defined well enough to determine the appropriate participants†, however, â€Å"the project should not be defined in so much detail that it discourages ownership†(Heerkens 2002: 79). In order to invest the people who have been designated for the group into a project, some of the planning must be assigned to them. When a person’s opinions and ideas have become part of a goal, an investment in the success of the goal has been made. Other considerations must be given to the costs
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
S it more accurate to say that presidents adapt to the critical events Essay
S it more accurate to say that presidents adapt to the critical events that happen during their time in power, or are they more - Essay Example The United States, which is both the greatest economy and democracy in the world, has influenced the course of history of the world. It therefore provides a definite relationship between presidents and the historical occurrences. Among iconic presidents of the United States was Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States who served until his untimely assassination in 1865. The events in his tenure including his assassination depicted the influence that the presidents had in shaping the history of their times. He served during some of the most tumultuous times in the country. He led the country through the most historic constitutional, moral and military crisis. His contribution and time in office thus makes him the best president whose analysis may easily depict the role of presidents in influencing the history of their tenures (Burkhimer, 2003). Additionally, he provides an effective basis of comparison with some of the recent presidents such as the incumbent presi dent Barack Obama and George Bush among many others who also served during some of the most tumultuous times in the history of the country. Presidents are always at the help of politics. They are influential people who readily access all the power brokers in a country. The American politics consists of a set of members of parliaments and senators all of who are influential in managing the domestic politics in the different states. The presidents on the other hand has influence over such and enjoy vast constitutional power to institute policies but with the consent of such politicians. Born and raised in a poor American family at a time that capitalism and slave trade was at the pick, Abraham Lincoln educated himself and later joined politics. He lost a senate seat in 1858 for maintaining a hard line rejection for the plan to expand slavery. He was determined to end slavery in the country. Though not a Member of Parliament, the president influenced the lawmakers during his tenure as the president of the United States thus succeeding in emancipating the African Americans. The liberation of the black society in the United States was one of the greatest historical occurrence in the country that earned Abraham Lincoln both friends and foes in equal measure thus possibly leading to his assassination. His role in liberating the African Americans and safeguarding the rights of the marginalized society to take part in election in the country’s constitution was a self-depiction of the influence that presidents have over the historical occurrences. Slave trade had employed millions of American capitalism merchants; it had necessitated the agrarian revolution thus developing the country’s economy. Vouching for the abolition of slave trade and developing an equal American society in which the African Americans would enjoy equal rights as their white counterparts was therefore a major historical occurrence. The success to end slavery was not a timely occurrenc e; it was not any time coming. President Abraham Lincoln worked hard and tried all he could to convince and black mail some of the members of parliament to accept and pass the bill that would change the country’s constitution. The desire to free the society had cost him his political career in the past but his determination finally bore fruits thus possibly resulting in his assassination. The life and works of president Abraham Lincoln portrays the influence tha
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